In the early days everyone could call themselves an oil and gas producer. Those with a size two hat were indiscernible from those oil and gas men who were able to conduct productive oil and gas exploration and production. Everyone was profitable due to the fact that no one had to recognize any of their costs. Everything is capitalized. Any drilling, completion, equipping, gathering and plants are capitalized. The overhead from those cities like Houston, Dallas, Oklahoma City and Calgary, all of those people and all of those building with all of their activities are capitalized on average of about 80%. The few costs that do hit the income statement directly are such things as the electricity for the pump-jacks. Some may say I’m drawing an extreme example here but I don’t think I am when you do this consistently throughout the industry for decades. Then the recognition of those capital costs are done over an expanding time period that begins at ten years, and in the case of Cenovus extends over 27.79 years.
If I as an investor was asked to invest in your oil and gas operation. And it was implied in your financial statements that you would be taking my money, investing it and waiting 27.79 years for that capital to be returned to be reinvested I would run away faster than I ever had. That implies that you’ll sit on that investment and expect it to perform at the lowest possible criteria possible. I should buy 30 year government bonds, they have essentially no risk in comparison. In this day and age to compete for capital you need to make it perform. Yes you should earn a return on that each and every year, that is the profit that People, Ideas & Objects constantly harps about. You would also need to reinvest that capital as it is returned to you by the business into other areas to increase the size of your organization and achieve some internal growth. As it is the North American producer expects that next year and each and every year after that they’ll be back in the capital markets for a further infusion of cash to fund that years capital expenditures. This only frightening the investor even more that a) nothing is expected of their investment and b) that their interests will be diluted annually by subsequent stock offerings.
Cash flow is the basis that the oil and gas industry operates under. Cash flow is predominantly the amount of capital that you’ve depleted in the current fiscal year. This is the return of capital that is achieved by the operation. The amount producers currently realize is inadequate to fuel capital expenditures, pay down debt and issue dividends and is therefore used for just one of these purposes and the stock offering is used to provide for the other two. If the producer firm was recognizing more of their costs in a timely manner they would be more honest about the performance of their operation and they would be generating much higher cash flows. Enough to sustain the operation without the cash infusions being done on an annual basis. Returning healthy dividends to their investors and not diluting them each and every year.
This all assumes that the prices for the commodities that are sold will be adequate to cover all of the real costs of oil and gas exploration and production. Which in the past number of decades it has not been. The deferral of the recognition of the capital cost of each barrel of oil has enabled the producer to subsidize the consumer with lower energy costs. This subsidy has occurred as a result of the overinvestment that was attracted by the “profits” that were alleged to have been earned in the industry. That overinvestment of course has led to an overcapacity and overproduction of oil and gas causing the prices to fall precipitously. This has triggered the innovativeness of the producers in the past few years of pushing the number of years that they'll recognize their capital costs out even further. These “innovations” have enabled them to continue to claim they’re profitable.
These producers now have the enviable position of being heavily weighted in terms of their capital assets. Their revenues are very poor as a result of the collapse in commodity prices. Investors and bankers see the inevitable outcome of these past policies and are concerned for their investments. No one is investing in the industry and the only source of cash is new production. Causing the prices to remain depressed. Shale being the other variable that will never keep the pressure off of prices. A vicious cycle downwards that has shown no solution to be forthcoming from the producer firms and only the extension, or doubling down, on the reporting of profits by the producers. Extending the vast and useless property, plant and equipment balances higher and for longer periods. Just to be clear, I am not aware of any other industry that can defer their costs in this manner. I believe this anomaly is unique to oil and gas.
You would have thought there would have been a solution implemented by the producers by now. The amount of value that has been destroyed is complete. The only solution in the market is People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Producers can only solve this problem through years of profitable operations through our price maker strategy. That is the only way in which I can see this being solved. The investors are gone and besides they don’t have enough money to solve this. People, Ideas & Objects have persevered in attempting to have the industry adopt our solution in a timely manner. Our deadline of September 25, 2017 for the producers to participate remains open. We’ve identified this as their last chance to deal with the problem as we expect that these issues will consume them soon after our deadline. I think we’ve been patient and if they do not participate we will be proceeding with alternate plans. We will be detailing those plans in the next few days so that the producers will know the consequences of their inactions.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.