Two Months To Go
Today is the 25th of July which means there are two months to go before the start of our developments. If you’re interested in joining our user community you should be actively preparing your application for submission anytime before then. We are looking for the first 100 of about 3,000 individuals that will participate in our user community. These are part-time positions that will define more of the Preliminary Specification in terms of the necessary detail. If you want user community based ERP systems in oil and gas then you know what you’ll have to do. There is nothing that will happen at People, Ideas & Objects without the explicit direction of the user community. People, Ideas & Objects are user community based, which is reflected in our overall vision. That is the only way in which to make systems usable and functional for you the end user and producers that need them. Everything else in my opinion would be a waste.
I am unaware of any response to our call to the producers to fund our first years developments. The level of deception that they’ve convinced themselves of is very evident in the Encana financial statements. Everyone in the world is looking to the North American producers for a response to the overproduction and oversupply of oil in the marketplace. The Preliminary Specification is the solution to that issue. It is not my solution, it is the solution. It is the result of ten years of research into what would be necessary if the industry used the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct. And, there is nothing else available. Any other idea can not tread on my Intellectual Property and would take at least ten years of research to complete. Therefore the producers have backed themselves into the corner where they have no options. Lastly I would point out the Preliminary Specification is robust at 175,000 words and approximately 1.4 million words of research. The solution works and is a viable choice for the industry to solve the problems that it’s faced with today.
Blaming OPEC may hit a fever pitch again today. They begin their meeting regarding their production sharing agreement and what to do about the chronic overproduction of the shale producers. I don’t see a lot of pressure on them to do anything. The fault of the issue is now clearly on the North American producers. They can accept that or reject it and govern themselves accordingly. And OPEC can do whatever they like. Saudi Arabia’s cost of production is $3 / barrel, they can continue to produce profitably for a while longer. Whereas the North American producers break even point is at today’s prices. Which means they’re covering their production costs. The North American producers need to understand that with twice the volume of oil available for the market until 2050 a means of production allocation based on profit is a necessary element of their business. That is the Preliminary Specification. Otherwise OPEC will just produce what the world needs at whatever price that is offered. Putting the North American producers out of business. Which at this point, with these financial statements is about 15 minutes of miserable life left.
North American producers face an existential crisis. Act to develop the Preliminary Specification on September 25, 2017 or be eliminated from the marketplace through overproduction by OPEC and other lower cost producers. We see that OPEC are doing everything that they can and blaming no one for the difficulties. It might be suggested that Saudi Arabia’s costs are much higher, and that would be an academic argument based on the costs of their government. I would therefore suggest that the North American producers undertake to include the Federal debt and fiscal budgets of both the U.S. and Canada for comparison purposes.
I have argued here for an appropriate policy to deal with the issues as I see them in the industry. I have offered a solution to those issues in the Preliminary Specification and user community. My argument may have been acute at times, however that is only as a result of the bureaucrats behavior towards me and the continuation of the foolhardy way the industry has been run into the ground. I am not the enemy. I am the one trying to solve the industry's problems yet the bureaucrats are too thick to even acknowledge the issues. They point to OPEC, or the warm winters as the reasons that their performance and operations are so poor. Or they outright deceive themselves as Encana did last Friday with their comical financial statements. Their opportunity to deal with this is coming quickly. September 25, 2017 will arrive and there needs to be a solution underway by the producers otherwise we will be building it without them. It’s that stark and real at this time.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.