More Chances?
Last week we discussed a scenario that I thought this lack of focus by the producers might send us. Unlike the producers I have some time and energy to spend prognosticating about the future. The three likely outcomes of the summer months were a fundamental collapse of the price of oil, bureaucrats admitting they don’t have a solution to the problems and as a result leaving the industry, and the producers losses coming back as a result of the decline in prices and continued abuse of the industry by the bureaucrats. I have detailed these points in a series entitled My Argument which is available for those who may not want to spend the unnecessary time and energy projecting when the market will rebalance.
None of the bureaucrats have called me in these past few months since we announced our September 25, 2017 start date of our software development’s. They don’t have a solution to the overproduction or oversupply issue, maybe they don’t feel the personal pain everyone else is and as such don’t see any issue. Nonetheless I want to make it clear to everyone that the opportunity for the bureaucrats to participate in these developments is open to them at any and all times. I may be abusive and in a politically correct world that would be an issue, but I don’t live in a politically correct world. The fact of the matter is that these past couple of months will provide those who are in the know, and are concerned about the oil and gas industry, that the bureaucrats will never do anything to rectify the issues brought about by their self serving ways.
The best business to be in here in Calgary is a Ferrari or other supercar dealership. Home renovations are also not a bad place to be. Calgary had record dollar volume of renovations in the first quarter of 2017. These oil and gas bureaucrats are not only comfortable, but confident. This may be a mistake. A critical look at the business model that the bureaucrats employ and it is clear that the destruction in oil and gas is comprehensive and complete. The destruction of the commodity markets, the destruction of the oil and gas financial markets and the destruction of the producer organizations themselves. All on the altar of muddling along, market rebalancing and doing nothing while bureaucrats stuff their pockets full. This has not gone unnoticed. The difficulties that People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers have had to face in our attempt to remedy this situation were also not unnoticed. These difficulties brought about through the turf war between us and the bureaucrats. Nothing was or has been done. Yet the continuation of the status quo for the next 25 years is all that is implied by these bureaucrats actions. Sorry, I’m not sold on that vision.
The bureaucrats have had their chance and they didn’t take it. Were these last few months the last chance in which they were given to remedy the situation? Will they be given any more chances? There are more important things to be concerned about and the profitability of the producers is the first thing we have to approach. President Donald Trump is opening the frontier areas to oil and gas exploration and production. Setting the U.S. on the course to export oil and gas, as well as other forms of energy. This is worthwhile and appropriate. There is just no way that these bureaucrats are going to be able to take these decrepit producer organizations forward as they stand today. The objective is set, now we need to organize ourselves towards fulfilling that objective and all the promise that this industry can provide. But first we must build the Preliminary Specification beginning September 25, 2017 and organize ourselves to provide the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.