Best Business Opportunity, Ever, Part XXVI
The producers are still carrying vast sums of asset balances. Chevron has almost one quarter trillion dollars of them! Why! These are the costs of exploration and production and should have flowed to the income statement long ago. All they do now is represent the amount that the investment community has subsidized the consumers of energy. By not recognizing these costs, the consumers never had to pay for them. The investors did. What kind of industry accounts for their costs on the basis of the customer never paying the costs?
The secondary result of never recognizing the costs of exploration and production are that the industry looks good to the investors. The producers become spendaholics which makes their assets grow, and should they happen to find any oil or gas, it will be profitable because there are no costs recognized against those revenues. Making for the investment boom that we have seen these past few decades. Which in reality was based on some accounting magic, not on the basis of building any value. If we look out the window now, is there any value in the oil and gas industry? This decades long investment boom led to overinvestment which has led to overproduction which has led to collapsed commodity prices. Who would have thought?
It truly is the Saudi’s fault however. The question now is what do we do. There is no value left in the industry. What people thought the asset balances on producer financial statements represented, the value of the organization, are really only past costs that have not been recognized by the prior production. Which gives you a sense of the scope and scale of the destruction. I don’t see much purpose in trying to remediate this. It’s also not my decision. I can point out that the best way to look at the oil and gas industry is as a sunk cost and we begin the process of rebuilding it for the future. A future that holds the promise of building significant value. A future that doesn’t assume the accounting deception that has become the culture of the industry today. One that looks to real profits and the generation of value as the guiding principles and strategies. Not just to muddle along.
I expect to see the existing producers begin the wholesale, firesale, dumping of their properties over the next decade. The need for cash will be critical until the organization is terminated. Startups can purchase these assets and rehabilitate them and the value that they should have held today. This value would be in the trillions of dollars. These trillions won’t be sitting on the balance sheets, it will be reflected in the market value of the startup producers. Accounting is about performance, it should never attempt to reflect the market value of oil and gas properties. Secondly the startup will realize the value proposition of People, Ideas & Objects which is estimated between $25.7 and $45.7 trillion. These will be reported on the financial statements as revenues. Then finally they can move the industries production profile forward to achieve North American energy independence, which will also show up as incremental revenues on the financial statements. People, ideas & Objects are focused on providing the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Building value for the industry. That is how I propose we deal with this situation.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.