Best Business Opportunity, Ever, Part XVIII
And so it will go. It may seem that we’re doing the same thing over and over again at People, Ideas & Objects. But I think the insanity is with the producers continuing on with the losses and destruction of people's money, time and energy. It's the same thing over and over, nothing ever changes. Chronic overproduction in natural gas has caused the storage to fill to capacity and the prices are in freefall. I, like the producers, don’t understand why Opec can’t get an agreement in natural gas as well. It’s always someone else’s fault. Chronic overproduction and massive losses. And it just never stops. It went on for about fifteen years in the 1980’s and 1990’s but the natural gas prices were able to carry the producers then. Eventually the oil prices moved up and the producers were able to party like there was no tomorrow. Only today is tomorrow and no one has taken care of the business of the business. And refuses to do so.
The problem is systemic. It’s identified and documented in the Preliminary Specification. It’s also resolved there and the solution provided through the services of People, Ideas & Objects, our user community and service providers. The problem starts with the accounting magic of the SEC which was mandated in 1978, or there abouts. Enabling the producer to capitalize almost everything they did. And then slowly deplete those capital costs over the known petroleum reserve base. Therefore the producer, in effect, never recognizes the real costs of exploration and production. These costs are stored on the balance sheet for decades while the producer reports “profits” as a result of realizing the very few costs that are left after capitalizing most of the costs, in a capital intensive industry. This overreporting of profitability has led to overinvestment which has led to overproduction which has led to price declines. Shale makes this feature a permanent bug for the oil and gas industry. Producers will now always overproduce, and they will now always lose everything they have. Just look at their quarterlies.
The issue we face now is that for the past four decades of reporting on the basis of the SEC anything and everything of value has been incinerated in the industry. When you report profits that are not supported by an accurate accounting of the business you create distortions. The distortion that was created in oil and gas was the shortfall in cash. This cash shortfall was made readily available through the generous donations of banks and investors who thought they were investing. Only in reality they were just lining up behind the other investors that went into the abyss before them. As long as there were new investors and bankers, the profits would drive the new investment. Now, after investing all of those trillions, we pull back the curtain and find the hollowed out carcass of the oil and gas industry. An infrastructure built on investor money that generates no monetary value whatsoever and requires a fresh load of new, naive and flush investors each and every year. But in reality, they say, it’s the Saudi’s fault.
Everyone associated with the oil and gas industry, in any capacity, are having such a pleasant time that they look forward to the collective “talking point” in order to adopt the appropriate posture. It’s not a business, business people fix things. The Preliminary Specification has existed in a vacuum since December 2013. There was ten years of research before that. What I am saying today is not newsworthy it’s more of an annoyance and frustration to those that find this environment comfortable. I think it has something to do with their pensions, their retirement and their expertise in avoidance of hard work. They’re more than prepared to ride the destruction phase of the creative destruction that oil and gas needs to go through. What more proof would there be, or do you need? What we need to do is to get on with the creative phase and that starts here and now with the best business opportunity, ever.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.