Best Business Opportunity, Ever, Part IX
Choosing the startup route has implications for all of the people that are involved in the oil and gas industry. First we should all think of ourselves as investors in one of those startups even if we are unable to participate directly. Secondly People, Ideas & Objects have demands for software developers, administrators and accountants being reconfigured to accommodate these startup organizations. Our user community and service providers being business opportunities themselves that will depend on the entrepreneurial spirit of the people involved in those organizations. By realizing the best business opportunity, ever, we are providing for business, investment and employment opportunities that can only be described as substantial for all involved in the industry.
It's always difficult to determine when the last round of layoffs will occur in a downturn. Things look relatively more positive in the industry since Opec announced their agreement to limit production. I’m seeing a lot of premature declarations that the difficult times are over now and some claims suggesting that shale will make up any reductions that Opec undertake. Our current producers can’t, won’t and will not ever change their behavior or understand that they’re a large part of the problem regarding oversupply and overproduction. Resumption of standard operating procedures is the implied consequence of these comments. There has been plenty of opportunity to change in the past decade. Nothing has been considered, and I can assure you that nothing ever will. This is why creative destruction is such a critical difference to the performance of our society.
It may just be me but I see the implications of today’s losses and difficulties in oil and gas as being fatal to the current producers. They have suffered a terminal event. One in which they are unable to recover from without superhuman effort and skill over a sustained, extensive period of time. With massive investment. Their operations demand cash to operate and will continue to do so. They are unprofitable even though they have employed significant volumes of capital. They’re operated as if they are viable going concerns, however, due to accounting foolishness have never performed as such. This culture has been systemic for four decades and is responsible for the leaderships misunderstanding of performance and accountability. The significant event that has damaged these producers has been perceived as a minor bump in the road, with regular operations resuming soon. I see no change in the operation or outlook of these producers. They will exist in a cash deficient environment where selling assets and producing as much as possible are the only means to keep the lights on. Their destiny is to contract rapidly with the most successful being able to shrink their debts proportionately.
In terms of the startup, they will be establishing their firms on the basis of a different operating model. The Preliminary Specification focuses on real profits and not the artificial accounting profits of the past four decades. Purchasing assets from the current producers will enable them to establish themselves in the industry and build their organization through the deployment of their profits. They will be able to leverage themselves over the next decade with debt based on solid financial performance. Taking the opportunities that we discussed yesterday to purchase the existing producing infrastructure, the value proposition of People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification and the upside as a result of achieving energy independence in North America. They will be able to grow quickly and profitably over the decade to position themselves as a producer that have the skills, capabilities, profitable operations and dynamic nature to approach the subsequent fifteen years as an established producer in the industry.
I think the choice is clear. What are you going to do, start a new oil and gas producer, or rehabilitate an existing one for ten years with massive capital infusions. After ten years you’ll probably be able to have the existing producer standing on its own by itself. And the opportunity to start a new oil and gas producer passed ten years ago. After a decade where the upside has been as promising as the best business opportunity, ever provides. I can assure you the startup will be the more dynamic, capable, profitable and larger firm.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.