Best Business Opportunity, Ever, Part I
This opportunity is being presented to us at this time. And it is the biggest opportunity in terms of setting up a new oil and gas producer, ever. And if Donald Trump gets elected, the industry would have his administration pushing for this objective as well. When was the last time the oil and gas industry had a positive relationship and was on the same page with the U.S. government. This scenario paints a much more vivid image of an industry that people want to be associated with. One where the doom and gloom of the day to day is eliminated and we can all focus on rebuilding the industry bigger and most importantly, profitably.
With the implementation of the Preliminary Specification in North America, the oil and gas investor that this opportunity appeals to, has a guarantee that all of the production from the continent would be profitable. It is the only thing that the producers will pursue as it is in their best interests. If only production that is profitable is produced, each and every day, each and every year, then the investors know that their risk is limited to the capabilities of the earth science and engineers that they have in the producer firm, and the quality of the assets and land position that they’ve secured. If their oil and gas team are unable to find profitable production in commercial quantities then the producer would be a failure on the basis of the underlying performance of the producer. Not on the basis of the overproduction and oversupply that is chronic within the Industry and prevalent today.
The key to this knowledge is the way in which the producer can approach the business once the Preliminary Specification is implemented. If the producers maximum deliverability is 200,000 barrels of oil per day then that is their capacity. If they could produce all of that profitably then it would be the best opportunity from the producers and investors point of view. However, if only 100,000 barrels of oil per day was profitable and the other 100,000 was shut-in. They would first of all, have a large inventory of shut-in properties that they would be able to apply their engineering and earth science skills towards in order to turn them into profitable properties. But most importantly, under the Preliminary Specification, the amount of overhead and administration that was incurred if they have the 200,000 barrel per day capacity is not what they would incur if they produced 100,000 barrels per day.
One of the key changes that we make when we implement the Preliminary Specification is the conversion of the individual producers administrative and accounting capabilities to become the industries administrative and accounting capabilities. Changing the dynamic of these costs from fixed within the producer firm to variable across the industry based on profitable deliverability. Turning these costs into a variable cost has the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable producer able to scale their production profile up and down with all of the producers costs (royalties, operations, administrative and accounting) being variable in nature. The producer is therefore never diluting their earnings from profitable properties by losing money on unprofitable production. They can eliminate the unprofitable production from their deliverability and ensure that only profitable operations are produced and the firm continues to be the most profitable at any level of their capabilities from 1 to 200,000 barrels per day.
This is the source of the solution that the Preliminary Specification provides the industry from overproduction and oversupply. Currently each producer is looking to offset their administrative and accounting costs by allocating them to the highest level of production that their capacity provides. Creating the chronic overproduction and oversupply. Then, on that basis, their overheads do not look as far out of place. To eliminate this inherent contradiction within the industry the Preliminary Specification reorganizes the producers and the industry on a different basis. Enabling the producer to focus on their key competitive advantages of their earth science and engineering capabilities, and land and asset base. With the establishment of service providers, which are configured from the administrative and accounting personnel in the oil and gas producers, which will focus on one specific process and apply it across their client base of the entire industry. Using specialization and the division of labor as two of their many key competitive advantages.
Then if the property produces, the service providers receive data and information that reflect that production. Their process is completed and an invoice for the specific administration or accounting cost is charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee. If there is no production then the service providers receive no data or information and hence no services and no invoice for the administrative and accounting services will be rendered. The costs of administration and accounting have in fact shifted from the oil and gas producers. Where today they can only lay people off in terms of matching overhead costs to production. To where they will now reside with the service providers who will know that at any time the oil and gas industry may see up to 15% of their productive capacity decline across the industry. A situation which can be easily budgeted for on an annual basis within each service provider.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.