"This" Will Never End
What we have is a business model that is used in the industry that is flawed and broken. Just as in the late 1980’s and 1990’s production by the producers will continue no matter what the situation happens to be. This overproduction and oversupply, as a result of this broken business model, will never end. That was proven in the 1980’s and 1990’s with the depth and length of that downswing in oil prices. Commonly known as the muddling along strategy this business model is the standard operating procedure for all producers. When we add the age of abundance in terms of oil and gas from the shale reservoirs. We have the total destruction of the industry. This issue is resolved in the Preliminary Specification and is available to the industry.
Why do I have such difficulty making the sale with respect to this software development project? It just boggles my mind that I have such heated conversations about such obtuse things. I am not the one that caused this situation. I am the one with the solution, and we have a value proposition in the trillions of dollars. If we continue on in the fashion that we are at this time the investors and bankers will never come back and the industry will fall backwards in terms of its capabilities for decades. We are very close to this happening now. It won’t take too much more destruction to start harming the capabilities that we have come to rely on in the industry. If you haven’t grasped the seriousness of the situation yet. Then there is no use talking to you.
One source of cash that producers have leaned on heavily in these second quarter reports is the expectation that the service industry will fund any field activity. That, to me, in the situation that the oil and gas industry is in, is a despicable act. Another form of cash that is becoming evident in these second quarter reports is the ballooning volume of accounts receivable. Partners are not paying their working interest statements in a timely manner. How many times have we seen a producer start to do this for one or two months before they close the doors. Withholding the net proceeds of the property to the rightful owners of the property, or not paying their working interest distributions are also despicable acts.
But what should we expect. Cash is everything. If you analyze any of the cash generated from operations you will find that the producers did not generate any real cash from the operation itself. Operations, royalties and overheads took all of the money. That doesn’t include the costs of capital, that’s just some of the money that went out the door. Every producer that I have seen have drawn vast amounts of cash from their cash balances, bank lines of credit, or if they have any, asset sales or investors. The consumption of cash is epic. The healthy firms appear to have about a year left of this crisis in terms of cash. Many are at the end of their rope.
Has anyone else noted that the deliverability of oil and gas is down. Yet in both cases of oil and gas the inventories are up and at record levels. This issue of overproduction and oversupply is not going to be remedied in the near term if this is the sixth year in natural gas and the third year for oil. It will take a generation before the overproduction and oversupply is resolved by the existing producers. This is the information which has the investors chompin at the bit! Bankers are swarming the producers with offers on the basis of this knowledge!
We don’t have the time or resources to survive a generation! People, Ideas & Objects have a plan for the industry for the next 25 years that sees the investors and bankers potentially restarting their participation with the producers tomorrow. They will do this if they see a viable plan to achieve energy independence in Canada and the U.S. in oil and gas. First we have to make the existing production profitable. We then have to deal with the long term shortfall of earth science and engineering people. And then we can profitably increase the deliverability on the continent to achieve energy independence. That plan is the Preliminary Specification. Take a week or so to read it. It sure is better than reading these second quarter reports.
The Preliminary Specification, our user community and service providers provide the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. Setting the foundation for North America’s energy independence. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.