It's Not a Price War!
Oil and gas commodities fit the textbook description of what qualifies for “Price Maker.” This entire oil and natural gas depression has been brought about as a result of a small percentage of over production. Maybe 1 to 2%. Which has led to price decreases from their long term highs that are in the region of 70% on oil and 90% on gas. My math is pretty good, and I can tell that this is a losing proposition. All that would be needed would be to curtail a small amount of production in order to reclaim all of that lost pricing. This is also one of the key characteristics of a price maker. Where does the thinking come from that has producers continuing to produce oil and gas at a financial loss, yet they think that those actions don't impact prices? Bureaucratic sloth I would suggest.
The strategy that the Saudi’s have adopted is fair and reasonable. It has however changed from their position as the swing producer role which they occupied until recently. They feel that it is the North American producers who need to fill the swing producer role. The swing producer role involves removing production from the marketplace to ensure that it remains balanced. The Saudi’s changed their position as it was apparent the North American shale based producers, who are also the higher cost producers, were forcing them to curtail too much production to balance the market. Saudi Arabia was having to give up its customers in order to do so. Eventually, under the Saudi swing producer scenario they would have had no customers and no production. Therefore they changed their strategy to a fix production level and committed to their customers that they will provide their needs reliably. It is a sound business strategy. It is not a declaration of war.
We should note too that bureaucratic sloth is evident in the natural gas marketplace where the Saudi’s and Opec don’t exist. Natural gas has displayed these overproduction characteristics for the past six years. Who is responsible for that markets overproduction? I would suggest it’s the same people. The issue the bureaucrats will not deal with is shale based reservoirs. Recently the Energy Information Agency noted the Mancos shale formation in Colorado has been defined as 4,000 ft of pay. They have adjusted their 2003 evaluation of 1.6 tcf of gas to its current evaluation of 66 tcf of gas. What the bureaucrats will now do will be to ensure that the necessary steps are taken to get this natural gas onto the commodities marketplace so that it too can be fairly priced along with the other 2,500 tcf of gas that is sloshing around the continent. Producing everything that exists, irrespective of the financial implications is madness. Especially when the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model employs the price maker strategy that would make all production profitable.
It’s odd that during these times I have been screaming myself hoarse that these commodities are price makers. And that the Preliminary Specification deals specifically with that issue in the industry. The issue that I generate in the process of bringing my solution to the marketplace is that I, like so many Information Technology based solutions in the marketplace today, disintermediate the bureaucracy. Bureaucrats are toast once the Preliminary Specification is in place. And they know that. So for them to consider the thought that they would eliminate themselves from the marketplace is comical to them. Why else would they ignore our $25.7 to $45.7 trillion value proposition over the next 25 years. We need the investors who have been used and abused by these bureaucrats to turn the tables and oust these bureaucrats by supporting the Preliminary Specification.
The bureaucrats can hire all the consulting firms and all the PhD’s in North America to go on Bloomberg and be the talking heads for them. Engage in nuclear warfare on their behalf and ensure that the issues and opportunities of the industry are obscured and unaddressed for another decade. This may be a test for how collectively stupid the western world has become. If “this” is acceptable and allowed to continue.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.