Economics 101
The culture is to produce. Investors are rewarded with higher stock prices based on higher deliverability. Production profile increases are rewarded with handsome, leveraged, increases in the stock price of the firm. Bureaucrats have caught on to this and have based their compensation on the performance of the stock of the producer. The more lucrative action in terms of stock price increases comes from projected production profile increases. As long as the firm can meet its targets, either through acquisition or drilling, the stock price will increase ever higher. The derivative of this thinking is that the commodities are scarce and there will always be a market for the products. That it’s beyond the producer's control to affect prices in any manner. Which is the case for most producers other than the majors.
In the past decades the investors saw that this was being achieved and reported in a profitable manner by the bureaucrats. Therefore they continued to encourage their bureaucrats to seek higher production profiles to gain more value in the stock. The investors were asked for the investment necessary to achieve these gains and the game went on and on. No one has stopped to ask why it is that every oil and gas company needs to issue stock or access their line of credit each year. This is not common in most industries, why is it the case in oil and gas? Certainly it’s a capital intensive industry but the amount raised each year only grows. Where does all this money go? Does the business ever generate its own capital? And do the investors see any of this money in terms of a quarterly or annual dividend? Or is this just “a build the company and exit” strategy? And not really the oil and gas business. Or, is it something else? We’ll discuss this “something else” tomorrow.
People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification changes the economic basis in which the oil and gas commodities are produced. We provide the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. And we do that by instituting production discipline across the industry by ensuring that every producer adheres to the principle that only profitable properties are produced. Which within our system is in their best interests to do so. And as we’ve noted, the Preliminary Specification uses the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas producer. It is in this way the producer will know that all of their reserves will be produced profitably. That none of the oil and gas reserves will have any financial losses added on top of the capital costs that have been incurred on that property. And that their profitable operations will no longer be diluted by any of their other unprofitable properties. And the commodity markets will find the marginal cost as only profitable production is being produced by the industry. It is People, Ideas & Objects price maker strategy that enables these benefits to occur based on the producers independent decisions, based on a factual accounting, as to whether or not a Joint Operating Committee is profitable.
We do this bit of magic by changing the structure of the industry and of the producer itself. The producer is stripped down to the C class executives, earth science and engineering resources, landmen, legal and some support staff. The remaining administrative and accounting resources are reallocated to service providers which are discussed below. The producer is then able to focus exclusively on their earth science and engineering capabilities, and their land and asset base as their key competitive advantages.
The industry is restructured by taking the administrative and accounting resources from the producers and reallocating them to the service providers based on specific individual processes and sub-processes. Each service provider will specialize on that process that they have exclusive rights to within the North American oil and gas industry. Some consideration for some processes are necessary, such as production accounting related processes. When a property incurs an activity (production), that will be communicated to the service providers through our task and transfer network which will trigger their work on that property for that process. The service provider will then complete that process and bill that Joint Operating Committee for that service for that month.
The price maker capability comes into play when the property is determined, based on an actual detailed accounting, not to have produced a profit and as a result is shut-in. And as a result of being shut-in, none of the service providers will be reported any activity in our task and transfer network for that Joint Operating Committee. And subsequently no processes will be incurred and no billings will be sent for any of the administrative or accounting service providers to that property. The property ends up recording a null operation, no profit but also no loss. Enabling the producer to achieve the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.