Commodity Prices Explode
Looking at natural gas there will be a big step down in prices in about fifteen weeks from now. That’ll be when natural gas storage facilities are full, in mid August. And the performance of the price of natural gas in these past few weeks is that it’s up over 20%. Fool me once… Right now is the time when there is no demand for winter heating, and air conditioning hasn’t kicked in either. And the price jumps over 20%. Storage facilities are taking in almost 75 bcf / week which indicates that production is 10 bcf / day higher than demand. Expect this surplus to double in the coming weeks which will quickly fill the storage to capacity this summer. I don’t expect natural gas prices to survive this amount of abuse. The only thing that can save the oil and gas investors from this devastation is to implement a production allocation methodology that is fair and reasonable. One that is based on profitability at the Joint Operating Committee, like the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model.
What we will most certainly see is a healthy natural gas price for the remainder of the Annual General Meeting season. Or two more weeks. Has anyone noticed that the narrative is that the “market is finally rebalancing” and then, after the meetings, the bureaucrats will skedaddle off to the cabin for the rest of the summer and the market price of gas will do its thing. History repeats itself and this is what we saw last year.
Oil inventories continue to fill and all we hear about is the decline in distillates or gasoline inventories at the refineries. After that failed Opec production meeting, the Saudi’s said they would increase their production by as much 2 million barrels per day. Iran and Iraq are both increasing production, though what we hear is that Americans are driving much more than they were last year. There is a narrative here that is counter to the facts. One that keeps the focus on “market rebalancing” as the magic potion that cures all that ails in the oil and gas industry. Let’s call it what it is and that is it's a deliberate destruction of the value and capabilities that have been built up by the investors. It’s not enough to destroy the investors money by not providing them a return, it's also “good business” say the bureaucrats to destroy the value of the asset and deprecate its productivity.
I can’t be the only one that is tired of these stories that are being hoisted on the allegedly gullible oil and gas investor and public at large. The bureaucrats are fooling themselves if they think they’re fooling anyone, anymore. Each time they tell these tales they lose another chunk of credibility. They’ve spent a lot of their credibility now but as I keep saying, they don’t care. They’re only there to collect the goods. They will leave and trash the place when the going gets tough and it's time to account for their actions. Which by my watch is pretty soon.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.