My Pricing Analysis
If you look at the recent price history for natural gas it began to decline during the financial crisis. In the first year it fell from approximately $13.50 to $2.75. Shale gas production grew from 5 - 8 bcf / day during this period. Bureaucrats who were thinking that this was attributable to the financial crisis, watched the market then move upward to a little over $6.00. In subsequent years the market fundamentally broke down from chronic oversupply. This as a result of shale gas reservoirs producing approximately 42 bcf / day today. The only time since then that the natural gas prices were on an upward trend was during the very cold winter of 2014, for the rest of this eight year period it has been more or less on a continual downward slope. Expect to see these same characteristics over the next six years in the oil price.
Rebalancing of that marketplace is therefore due to occur in 2105 by my estimates. Take for example the most recent news out of the Marcellus shale region. Production volumes had been in decline for the past year or so. As we know the Marcellus producers have been very fortunate to receive a price for their natural gas that began with a $1 in front of it. Pipeline capacity restrictions keep the prices severely depressed, yet the bureaucrats continue to produce. In the last couple of weeks additional pipeline capacity came on stream and the Marcellus region is now reporting an increase of 2 bcf of additional production.
What we have is a “machine” that produces. When oil breached $30 from its lows some investors were on Bloomberg saying they were investing in oil and gas again. Citing the opportunity of a lifetime. These bottom feeders were rushing in to buy the stock issuances of the producers at firesale prices. From the investor to the mail clerk this is a “machine” that does nothing but produce as much as it can get its hands on. Every nook and cranny of pipeline capacity must be filled at all times. No matter what the costs. Well, hell, who cares about the cost. Nothing must stay below the surface to be produced profitably later.
The other thing that was notable last week was the “strength of the producers balance sheets.” I must of heard this term being used for every class and every quality of producer in the marketplace. That they were going to “defend their strong balance sheet.” This has to be in response to my arguments about bloated balance sheets. If you want to see a strong balance sheet look at Apple’s. $76 billion in short term assets, $177 billion in long term marketable securities, $22 billion in property plant and equipment, and notably $5.2 billion in goodwill. Approximately the same amount of goodwill that both Encana and Devon have. The difference is that Encana and Devon have approximately the same amount of shareholders equity as they have in goodwill. Note too, that all three have approximately the same amounts of property plant and equipment.
These aren’t healthy balance sheets. These are testaments to the spending orgy that the bureaucrats undertook with shareholder and banker money. The subsequent elimination of most of the shareholders equity shows that the decades these bureaucrats have been in power have seen them destroy that money. Recall too that they have now written their assets down to the amount of their reserves times the prices at year end. These assets therefore represent the sum total of all future revenues of the producer. That’s not an asset! They have also destroyed the oil and gas marketplace by systemically over producing oil and gas. They did this in the 1980’s and 1990’s and they are doing it again. And if you think they will stop, you should read about the characteristics of shale reservoirs. This “machine” that they have developed, which can not be changed because it is the same “machine” that existed in the 1980’s, and shale based reserves, when combined are a toxic, destructive force. This “machine” must therefore be eliminated and replaced by the Preliminary Specification or we will have no industry left. People, Ideas & Objects is the only solution in which we can rebuild the industry to take on the challenges we face in the next 25 years.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.