Corrupt Accounting Practices Part I
If we look at Devon, Chesapeake and Apache they are each recording G&A expenses that are 4 - 17% of revenues. The first question we have is if the G&A is this low why lay anyone off? If you slash half your staff you’ll save the shareholders 2- 8% of the revenues. Is this a worthwhile exercise when you're recording $23.1 billion in losses for 2015? The G&A number on the financial statements is the residual number after the majority, and I do mean majority, has been capitalized to the balance sheet. For whose purpose is this slight of hand being developed for? What is the objective in capitalizing G&A and why, in most producer cases, is it 75 - 80% of the total G&A that is capitalized? Competitive pressures? I think the producers need to come up with a better reason here.
If we look at the Devon text on page 3 we find that they are looking to further refine their G&A and operations staff in the coming year.
Devon’s workforce reduction program, which includes G&A as well as operating personnel, will decrease Devon’s employee count by approximately 20 percent in the first quarter of 2016, bringing the total workforce reduction to more than 25 percent over the past 12 months. These workforce and non-personnel related cost reductions are expected to decrease G&A costs by approximately $400 million to $500 million on an annual basis, exclusive of reorganization charges, and are designed to maintain capacity to respond appropriately to increased activity levels when the commodity price environment improves.
I read this as saying Devon’s G&A costs, including operating personnel, could be as high as $2 billion in total. No wonder their balance sheet was so big. The reported G&A expense of Devon was the 17% factor and was $847 million. Therefore we can impute that $2 billion would be approximately (I’m using only their oil and gas revenues) 37% of the revenue going to G&A in operating staff and overhead items for 2015. These are the cash outlays that Devon has to make. If we use the 37% to determine what the “cash costs” are for “overhead, operating staff, administration and accounting” you would come to .37 x $30 / bbl or $11.10 bbl. We’ll take that number from this point forward, it is much lower than my original analysis that showed $15 to 18.00. However comparing my number to the $1 - 2 that most producers claim, I’m at least playing within the city that has a ball park.
The culture within the industry is that everything that moves is capitalized to the balance sheet for eternity. The outer limit of what is acceptable is the value of your oil and gas reserves times the price of the commodities at year end. Which at any end of the year period is going to represent the total gross revenue that the company will ever achieve. The write downs that are causing the $15 to $23 billion in losses is so that the producers can fit within their total reserves times the price of the commodities at year end. So the company is still valued at the gross revenues of what the company will ever receive, it's lost up to $23 billion, it's worth nothing, produces no value and has no cash. Once again I have to ask where do I invest? Encana which now has negative $202 million in retained earnings. Has the audacity to keep $2.79 billion in Goodwill on the balance sheet! What Goodwill? Write this Goodwill off and report the proper $2.992 in negative retained earnings.
The argument might be that the situation in oil and gas is the commodity prices are low and that is creating the desperate situation. And that is true, the oil and gas industry is a price maker and the bureaucrats are making these prices. It is also the reason that I’ve been working to get them to change to avoid this scenario that they’re in. If they had employed reasonable accounting principles of capitalization over the past few decades these producers would have gone out of business long ago. They would have been forced to account for their performance within the fiscal years they were spending like drunken sailors. The SEC defines the outer limit of what is acceptable. It does not mean that each and every producer reach that limit each and every fiscal year.
If we wait until 2021 the market will have rebalanced and the inventories will have been drawn down. That assumes that you're believing this story and keeping these corrupt crooks in place! I have a vested interest in promoting the Preliminary Specification. Which I have been doing for as long as these people have been destroying the industry, which is a long time now. I feel very good about the work that I have done in the past decades. I can say that I did what I thought was right and necessary, and tried to make a difference. But I can also say thankfully, that this lot kicked me out of the industry in August of 2003 and took me to the woodshed because of my ideas. No wonder, they’ve been conducting themselves in ways that I would not have been part of.
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