Don't Shoot the Messenger
This shortage of cash is not a minor issue. It is the only issue for the foreseeable future. As it is stated by, and what I am hearing from the bureaucrats, the oil and gas production is covering the cash costs of operations. It is however not covering the costs of administration and overhead, or the payments for the money they took from investors and banks. The overhead and administration costs are not relevant to this calculation, I hear the bureaucrats state. It is too when the paychecks have to be written for all the staff. These paychecks, and the rest of the overhead, like lights and rent, have been calculated by me to approximate $18 / barrel. That’s why no one is going to be paying any dividends. Therefore your production is currently costing you approximately $15 / barrel in cold hard cash to produce! Sorry investors you just don’t count.
This is the logic that has overcome the industry since 1977 when the SEC instituted either Full Cost or Successful Efforts accounting as the methods to be followed. Everyone has been raised by the “capitalize everything” and never “recognize any depletion” attitude in the industry. I’ve been told a billion times, its cash flow stupid. And I have always responded that earnings are more important. And the bureaucrats have laughed at me for that as well. They felt as long as they could sell a property for multiples of what it cost, who needs profits? This game continued on and more competitors entered into the market seeking the “opportunities” to make “spectacular” money. Eventually with all the fools rushing in, the industry was overbuilt and the over investment lead to overproduction. Why don’t they sell a property today if they need cash! The problem is they can’t, there is no market. You could buy PennWest for $330 million. That’s 60,000 barrels per day, or $5,500.00 per barrel. Such a deal! But there is that debt, and you’d have to support that cash drain, maybe not such a good deal. And certainly not the market that PennWest thought would exist to sell assets into.
If you listen carefully the bureaucrats state there is a need for the market to rebalance only 1.7 million barrels. Imputing that the total oversupply is just the 1.7 million barrels. But it's not, that’s the overproduction per day. The amount in inventory is closer to a billion barrels of excess storage. To draw that down so that prices can recover means that we have to lose 3.4 million barrels of oil production per day for approximately 2 years. Then the prices will rebalance. We are a long way from that. Sorry investors it will be a while before you see any money.
Take for example the natural gas prices which have been depressed for the same reasons for the past six years. The Marcellus area is lucky to receive a natural gas price of $1.25 at any time in that region, the most prolific shale area. Recently the EIA reported that production in the Marcellus region was up! Rebalancing is a myth in the shale era.
When you have a destructive mechanism such as this, built within the DNA of the producer organizations and the industry itself, you will always have these difficulties. The shortage of cash is horrendous at this time. The balance sheets of the producers never had any working capital even in the good days. They always ran on high levels of negative working capital and now they’re producing significant negative gross margins. Meaning you can’t expect the service industry to extend you much more credit. And that means if there is any cash in the industry it is being tossed on the fire. What does an industry do with no cash? We are going to find out in as little as two, but no more than five months.
Expect to see a slew of bad news after the close of markets today. Everyone will want to get the bad news out before the weekend and have everyone forget about it by Monday morning. Chapter 6.2.1 of the bureaucrats 2016 handbook.
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