Creative Destruction and our User Community
We should send a thank you note to the bureaucrats for following our script so closely. The forces of creative destruction are evident throughout the history of our western based economies. When things become too inefficient and incapable, new solutions rise to replace them. Overproduction will continue until such time as the Preliminary Specification is operational in the oil and gas industry. It is what has been done in natural gas for six years now and in oil for two years. Do we see any response to this overproduction? It was recently stated that there were globally 100,000 barrels per day of oil shut-in during 2015. That is the level of response our friends the bureaucrats can achieve to the overproduction dilemma.
Muddling along is the operating strategy of all producers in any situation involving a crisis. That is the only thing that can be done. The producer firm is a deliberate building of organizational capabilities designed to operate oil and gas facilities based in some geographical region. That is their sole purpose. These organizational capabilities are unique to the formations that they produce and explore. The accounting and administrative capabilities are developed to support an organization in the regulatory, tax and compliance environment that the corporate organization exists within. And that is their domain. To determine if a Joint Operating Committee is profitable, in absolute 100% accurate accounting terms is impossible. Most of the administrative and accounting costs are capitalized and the Joint Operating Committee is charged with overhead allowances based on industry accepted principles. All that bureaucrats know is if the property is generating cash. They only find out that they're not profitable when they publish corporate level financial statements.
And so they continue because they do not have the appropriate information and cannot make the appropriate decisions as to which property is and isn’t profitable. The decision itself, the operational decision making authority resides with the Joint Operating Committee, and even if the operator decided to shut-in an unprofitable property it would have to be put to a vote at the Joint Operating Committee. This conflict doesn’t occur because the systems and procedures within the oil and gas producer do not recognize the Joint Operating Committee or its legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, strategic or innovation frameworks. It only recognizes the corporate frameworks of compliance and governance of the tax, regulatory and the SEC requirements. Recall what we are doing in the Preliminary Specification is we are taking the compliance and governance of the hierarchy and aligning it with the seven frameworks of the Joint Operating Committee. This alignment provides us with the speed, innovativeness, accountability and profitability that we seek in our in our oil and gas producers.
How we get to the point where People, Ideas & Objects is funded and the user community begins the development of the software defined as the Preliminary Specification is unknown at this time. What we do know is the producers that exist today are not going to be around for much longer. Slowly each and everyone of them will continue to lose so much money that they can no longer continue as viable going concerns. Cash is becoming a significant issue in the marketplace today. This is accelerating the demise of many producers and will make the transition to our user community that much quicker. How we get there is going to be an interesting journey. There’s plenty of room for everyone to join in our user community at this time. It's not that organizations won’t change, it's that they can’t. The people who join our user community will be the ones who are making the change in the oil and gas industry.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.