No News Here
As far as I’m concerned the damage to the industry has and will be extreme. We have only begun to see the pain that we will need to endure. Sitting around hoping for higher prices and stating that the market will rebalance itself is sticking our heads in the sand. It appears to me that every producer is hurting except for Exxon. I think half of the industry will end up in bankruptcy. And the people who make this industry work will have had enough. What we’re talking about here is a generational time frame in order to rectify the damages being done now. I haven’t seen the rush to the door by the bureaucrats yet, but trust me that is coming, and they’ll take that aspect of the industries capabilities with them as well. Leaving us with that hole to fill on top of everything else.
We have, and will have, work to do. I have budgeted 5,000 man years of effort necessary to put out the first iteration of the Preliminary Specification. This is going to be very hard work to do and will demand a lot from the people who are involved. I guess the point is why do this hard work, disrupt the entire industry in the process, if it's not necessary. Just let the market rebalance itself as it always has. And that is the decision that is made. Muddle along and do nothing, let the forces of stupidity take hold and the good times will resume.
I don’t see that happening this time. First of all you need cash to buy the time to get there. We’re in February and there is less and less cash each day that passes. Getting there also assumes that the prolific nature of shale is somehow eliminated. That overproduction, which is systemic, unforgiving and destructive will be solved in the long term. Which it won’t and we’ll be back here at $30 for oil and $2 for gas in no time, assuming rebalancing does raise prices. Hope does spring eternal.
I can see the tombstones of some of the walking dead already. These are the firms that are no longer going to be with us. Give it a year and no one will remember them. Chesapeake, Encana, PennWest, Pengrowth and Bonavista. A lot of Canadian names in that bunch but all of them are trading at less than 10% of their all time highs. Which reflects a complete capitulation and lack of any faith in the managements or assets capabilities to be able to return to a viable company. Zombies.
It didn’t have to be this way. Disintermediation is a trend that is shaping industries across the business landscape. Technology with organizational changes are building substantial value propositions, as do we, and are the reasons that companies are moving in that direction. Why didn’t the oil and gas industry? What is the unique characteristic that caused them to oppose this initiative from the start and refuse to consider it? I don’t think we’ll ever know. But one thing is for sure, the opportunity in oil and gas is on this side of the fence. This post may seem dire, but I think I’m telling it like it is, it really is pretty sunny over here on this side.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.