This is not a Short Term Issue
To think of this as a short term issue and that it will be resolved by rebalancing the market is pure fiction. Why hasn’t that occurred in natural gas? Capital expenditures have certainly been reduced. However the production profile of the various regions continues to increase. You would think that the producers would cut their most lucrative and prolific projects first! Well of course not, that would be foolish. The only thing that is happening in this rebalancing is that the producers are sharpening their pencils and achieving the same results with fewer inputs. That’s what people do at times like this. They overcome the cuts in their budget and make do. Quality instead of quantity. The fact of the matter is with shale, no amount of market rebalancing will ever occur. The shale reservoirs are too prolific and lucrative.
What is needed is a means to impose production discipline throughout the industry. When you have 300 years of natural gas reserves as in Canada, profitability is the only equitable means to determine what produces. We need a method in the industry where the property only produces if it's profitable. The only manner in which they’re going to achieve this production discipline is when the Preliminary Specification is implemented. First by determining profitability in an equitable and standard way, and ensuring that all of the producers costs are variable. That way any shut-in properties will not drag down the producers profits. It will be in that way there will be a fair and equitable means of evaluating profitability and implementing the discipline necessary.
At the rate that the bureaucrats are moving we could be here for a while. They have shown no initiative to do anything regarding these issues. What will motivate them? None of these issues in oil and gas are going to be resolved by them in the short term. And therefore nothing will happen in the mid to long term either. That is because this latter point is moot. The producers themselves have only minutes of survivability in terms of the financial means in hand. As we noted last Friday, the strong balance sheet that they thought they had were nothing but a testament to their spending. Standard & Poor’s, the bond rating agency, have a junk bond rating on over three quarters of the oil and gas industry. Hence the heavy use of the junk bond market in the past few years. The banks won’t be providing cash for much longer, if they still are. And the investors have been on a holiday in the industry for the past decade. I guess you do reap what you sow.
What happens when three quarters of an industry runs out of cash? We are going to find out in about three months. If you look at the market capitalizations of the oil and gas producers they have been hit very hard. Most of them are well below 50% of what they used to be. Household names in some cases are mere shadows of themselves. If this was the banking business the Fed would have already stepped in, taken over, and started rebuilding the industry. Such is the nature of the business we choose.
It disturbs me that I am reduced to picking off the obvious deficiencies of the bureaucrats. I have worked very hard to ensure that we would never see these days. There never will be a bureaucrat that accepts the Preliminary Specification. It takes them out of the game. They will ride the ship down if they have to. Anything but accept defeat. It is however, very soon that we will be called upon to replace these bureaucrats. Failure of this calibre has a very defined stench.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.