"That Giant Sucking Sound"
Recall that the earnings reports were one of the three issues we felt that bureaucrats would not be able to overcome in the month of October 2015. That there were three issues. The third quarter report, the breach of natural gas storage capacity and the bank review of their lines of credit. We originally raised these points in a blog post entitled “In Summary” on September 16, 2015. What we stated was these issues would prove that these bureaucrats will never, ever change. That what was required was to throw the bums out and start with the development of the Preliminary Specification, our user community and the service providers. Then we will have a dynamic, innovative, accountable and profitable oil and gas industry.
As we speak the natural gas prices are doing well. All sarcasm aside, what do you think these people will do on the oil side of the business? Keep producing until the storage is filled to capacity. I don’t know what happens operationally when 15 bcf / day suddenly has no market, but we’re about to find out. Bureaucrats have been overproducing natural gas for almost six years. It's a continental price. This isn’t OPEC’s doing. We have heard that they are “rebalancing the market” for these past six years. The devastation that is happening now in natural gas is 100% attributable to the bureaucrats. They have no one to blame and they have spent all of their political capital in terms of having any say in the management of the industry. It’s therefore time to throw the bums out.
The oil market is no different than the natural gas market. Other than slightly more advanced issues in terms of time. What OPEC has done is said that their production will be the one constant in the market. And others will have to fill the swing producer role. The higher cost producers will have to occupy that swing producer role. And as a result the bureaucrats argue that the Saudi’s need something like $185 / barrel because of the high social costs of their government's budget. And that the Saudi’s are therefore the higher cost producers. Then in the next sentence they state they’ll be profitable at $20 / barrel. The fact of the matter is these are lies. If you used the same basis as they used to calculate the Saudi’s costs, the American producers would need $10,000 / barrel. There is also no way that they can even account for their overhead with $20 production. These bureaucrats have lied and abused the goodwill of our governments, the press and society in general for so long they think they can get away with saying anything. What they really should do is run for the democratic nomination!
The fact of the matter is they don’t know when to stop, they don’t know how to stop, it's an engineering induced nightmare. Today is the first day that we will see the producers third quarter reports. I could be wrong but I think that people are going to be surprised that bureaucrats would think that they could continue producing when they are losing so much money on each barrel of oil and mcf of natural gas. Why would anyone continue to do things that are that destructive to themselves? They don’t care! And that will be evident to everyone. Look for the bureaucrats argument that the writedown of assets is a sunk cost. Well those sunk costs represent the money they took from the investors and promised a return. And if we are to ignore these sunk costs in terms of your third quarter report, when exactly do we consider their performance with those investments. It is systemic throughout the industry that you never have to account for the money that you took from the investors. The fact that you consistently diluted them and abused them during the good times means that they will continue to take the abuse now. So why quit?
Sunk costs are one issue but the fact that oil and natural gas is unprofitable as soon as you dislodge it from the rock to begin the production process is the other. Operating losses will be horrendous. Losing money on basic operations on this scale is something that only a fool would do. This is the end of the credibility of the bureaucrats who run the show. That giant sucking sound will be getting much louder as the next few weeks pass and the scope and scale of these issues begin to be realized. Watch our twitter stream after today’s close to enjoy the show up close and personal. The bigger issue here for the bureaucrats is that they have built a house of cards. They have no cash, no working capital, no credit facilities, no access to debt or equity markets. Basic operations burn cash. And they have the fixed overhead that on a good day would consume 25% of their revenues. And they produce until the storage can’t take anymore. This is the end of the oil and gas industry as we know it. Our own unique style of 2008 type of failure. Join me as I watch and enjoy those who laughed and laughed at me as they have their credibility shredded and destroyed by their own hands.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.