A Sad State of Affairs
What is needed is the change to the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model. Enabling the price maker strategy. This is the only way in which the industry is going to get out of this difficulty. It may be radical surgery, but the cancer that is eating at the industry is certain to kill it. After six years of overproduction in natural gas. Where there is never any consideration that the industry is a price maker or a price taker. We find the producers dumping 28% of the natural gas. That’s 20 bcf per day on to the marketplace for as little as $0.66. What do we expect to happen in the future that will correct this situation? Why will this situation rectify itself? Why are we sitting around and writing in the quarterly reports “oh whoa is me?”
The plan is to wait until the reserves that the investors paid so dearly for are used up and dumped onto the market at $0.66. Then a gas shortage will occur and the bureaucrats will have their heyday once again where prices would skyrocket to who knows how high. This is called “rebalancing the market” by cutting capital expenditures. The most blunt instrument known to mankind. Its production that’s the problem, not the level of field activity. When natural gas prices skyrocket in this scenario. It will be “oh whoa is me” that the service industry is being greedy and lazy. That is both of them, because that’s all that will be left of the entire industry by then. And that they can’t find any engineers or geologists to run the industry. “Oh whoa is me.”
It’s almost a cycle. Predictable and automatic. The problem is the extremes are becoming more and more acute. Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think we can have an industry that is this important to our society bouncing being the extremes of abundance and rationing. What we do know is the response to higher commodity prices will be muted due to the poor financial capabilities of the producers and their exceptional record with the investor class. As a result prices will go ever higher to the point where you’d be crazy not to be invested in oil and gas. This is when the bureaucrats can begin pouring the foundations for the west wing of their cabins. I wonder what I’ll be doing?
As a point of clarity. The other day we discussed how the surplus capacity costs of the producer weighs it down financially in the current high throughput production model. Citing the Nissan case as an example. Some people have asked why this doesn't apply in the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model. It is because the costs of administration and accounting will have shifted from the oil and gas industry to the new sub-industry we call the service providers. It will be the service providers who will shoulder the administration and accounting costs of any shut in production. And will understand that at any time their revenue streams may be cut by 15% as a result of shut-in production. As a result they will be able to control those costs. This providing oil and gas producers with the capability to be able to control their administration and accounting costs without having to lay people off.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.