Growth vs. Profit
Organizations require a new means of competitiveness for operating in the global economy. The standard operational strategies (focused on growth) are now limiting, and possibly exposing major societies to economic decline. It is this author’s opinion that growth should not be an objective, but is something that occurs as a result of doing the right things correctly.
Growth has been the guiding force behind most company's strategies since the time that I wrote that. Certainly everyone wants to get bigger, but how? In oil and gas you simply step on the treadmill and begin the process of meeting the production targets that you set out for yourself. It’s that simple, and that destructive. No one asks, what value are you providing? It's just an activity. There is no thought into how the process of being an oil and gas company will make money. You will annually stand up in front of the people who give you the money that you spent and state that you made your production targets. In a world where the SEC allows you to record the sum total of all of your oil and gas reserves, times today’s oil and gas prices as the asset value of the company. You will never be faced with the day of reckoning when you will have to account for the performance on the money you spent on capital to drill the wells and build production facilities. That is until the difficulties of the 2008 financial crisis and shale reserves conspire to make your life miserable.
Your production targets are throwing more fuel on the fire of overproduction. Not the solution to the problem, or building any value, commonly known as profits. Change is not the domain of the bureaucrats in any business or government. Technology is the great equalizer in terms of disrupting the status quo and flipping tables over at the wedding reception. And you know that I am truly sorry for having to be the one to do this. ;) Growth is providing no value for anyone anymore. We need to focus on the value that we can provide to society. The investors, service industry, people who work in the industry and the energy consumer. Which by the way all pay taxes. Under the current administration we are growing, however only the bureaucrats and consumers are happy.
It will be the domain of each and every user community member that we are providing the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. This is the basis of how People, Ideas & Objects are different and how we will achieve the development and delivery of value to the stakeholders that are involved in this industry. If growth is profitable then growth will occur. Otherwise the situation will remain the same.
Apple is a company that I point too to show the differences in the concepts that I am making. They don’t do anything unless it's profitable. And yes, they are profitable. From imminent bankruptcy eighteen years ago to being the largest company in the world came about by focusing on the value of what they were doing. Why would you do anything else? And for example Apple’s market cap is in excess of $600 billion yet their capital assets are only $33.1 billion. If they were an oil and gas company they would have capital assets in excess of $1.8 trillion. And their capital asset balance is low because they move their capital assets off the balance sheet as quickly as they can to properly evaluate their performance and lower their taxable income. You will note that their balance sheet, as a result, is stuffed with $230 billion in cash. That would be the natural outcome of a high performance organization, wouldn’t it? Collecting capital assets on jumbo bloated balance sheets as it’s done in the oil and gas industry is a con game that’s coming home to roost. Trust me.
I know bureaucrats don’t want to listen to me discuss the issues in the manner that I do. I don’t care. We’ve had our good times over the past decade and I really enjoyed them. The party is over and I have to move on. The bureaucrats seem to be stuck forever in a world that started in 1950 and there is no hope for them. My appeal is to the people who invested that money with them. And generally they think I’m too kind.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.