Speaking of Personal Best Interests
We’ve discussed before the difficulties that we are going to have if they try to pass through this reporting season, starting with this very difficult third quarter, without addressing the state of affairs in the industry. The situation is dire. The worst the industry has ever faced before. And there are no discussions, plans or ideas being debated anywhere on how to resolve the problem. Day by day our community grows larger and it is inevitable that at some point we are “discovered” by the marketplace and then what. The bureaucrats deny that they were aware of the Preliminary Specification? They need to remember the times that they hired other firms to steal the Intellectual Property that makes up the Preliminary Specification. That those attempts leave residual claims in the marketplace that provide evidence of the attempts by the bureaucrats.
I, unlike Mrs. Clinton, am not about to go deleting emails at this point. These are too valuable. The point is there is a record that exists regarding the Preliminary Specification in the marketplace. Although not mainstream, it is known. Attempts to state that they were unaware of the ability to implement a price maker strategy isn’t going to sell for too much longer. And unlike Mrs. Clinton, these bureaucrats may not be able to lie like a sidewalk, particularly about a previous lie. Speaking of honesty, what personal best interests were assured to the investors when they took their money? Just asking.
The tone of my argument has taken on a rather nasty perspective. And that is when I started writing this blog ten years ago. Lately I find I’ve found my voice. If you’re a bureaucrat and find this unkind I suggest you don’t pick up the phone in the next six months. The Internet has enabled people to voice their concerns with those that hold power in society. Nothing wrong with holding the power in society, as far as anyone is concerned, you just need to be accountable. There is some accounting that needs to be done in the oil and gas industry. Just as John Boehner thinks he can hang on for the next month or so, our friends the bureaucrats will see the hostility that exists in the marketplace. They’ll want to return to this blog for some civil treatment.
I can’t decide which would be the more appropriate at this point in time. Would it be a salty or sweet snack? I'm glad I have a front row seat. This is going to be one heck of a good show. I don’t think that we have seen anything of the scope and scale that we are about to see. The 2008 financial crisis was no fun because it scared everyone half to death that the paper they were thinking was useful might become redundant. Spooky. This one is going to gouge the bureaucrats from their most comfortable positions in the industry. That is what I would suggest, unless that is they’re smart, and proactive.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.