In Summary
Producers need to change their underlying business model from the high throughput production model to the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model, our user community and the service providers. In that way they can employ the price maker strategy to deal with the abundance brought about by the shale reservoirs. People, Ideas & Objects needs its budget funded in order for the commencement of this new business model to be implemented within the industry. Then the industry can anticipate that the value proposition that we provide will be delivered over the next 25 years.
There is a do nothing bureaucracy that is in place in the industry that refuses to do anything in the face of such devastation to the value, and capabilities of this industry. They therefore put our way of life in jeopardy by standing by and doing nothing. This muddle along strategy has worked for them in the past and they expect that it will continue to work for them. I think we are seeing that their strategy is failing and needs to be replaced by active management of the industry. We have had a year of poor oil prices. Five years of poor natural gas prices. Both commodities unable to provide the producer with positive margins. And with shale reservoirs not much of a chance of any relief. Yet they continue to produce unprofitably. And there is no discussion outside of this blog regarding any of the issues, the solutions or what should be done. There is a lot of commentary from the press and the analyst community but they don’t necessarily fully understand the industry and are only able to grab a headline or two in terms of being accurate. It is miraculous to me that these bureaucrats will pass through this time without saying or doing anything, or being held to account for anything.
It's a comfortable position to be in if all you do is the same thing day in and day out. Nothing ever expected of you, or you having to do anything. These bureaucrats have ceased to act based on market signals such as the price of the commodities that they produce. As time passes things age and deteriorate, are not built or replaced. Then the commodities become in short supply and the prices rise. We have no assurance that the investors have any confidence in the industry or the bureaucrats. We also have no assurance that the bureaucrats will begin to start responding to market signals such as high commodity prices. Instead, understanding their dilemma of a tenuous hold on their position within the company, they might just continue to do nothing and pocket the cash earned from higher prices.
Throw the bums out. Why give them the opportunity to screw it up any worse. Oil and gas is too important of an industry to fool around like this. Unlike the financial community we have no Fed that can flood the market with the commodities if something serious does happen. Let's get the budget for the Preliminary Specification funded and begin the replacement of this muddle along strategy with active management of the industry.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don’t forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.