The Vested Pensions Business
Our solution to the issues in the industry have been summarily rejected by the bureaucrats. It is clear when you read the Preliminary Specification that they are relics of the past century and have been dispatched to the history books in the process of implementing our solution. Which interferes with the business of vested pensions. Our solution requires significant changes to be made to the industry. With the level of distress that I see being generated in the near future. Our changes will be able to be implemented. In a normal environment we would have to compete with the status quo environment. With all hell breaking loose, people will be looking for alternatives. That makes our job much easier than having to compete with people who are comfortable in their lives and competent in their jobs.
The prototypical producer in the environment where the Preliminary Specification is operational. Will be a stripped down version of its current configuration. Consisting of the C class executives, the earth science and engineering resources, some land, legal and support staff. The administrative and accounting resources of the producer will be reorganized to service providers who are focused on a process or subprocess and will use the entire oil and gas industry as their client base. It will be in this way that we move from the producers administrative and accounting based capabilities to an industry based administrative and accounting based capability. By doing so we render all overhead from these administrative and accounting costs to be variable in nature, as opposed to their fixed nature as they are today.
With the administrative and accounting costs taking on the variable characteristic very little of the producers costs will remain fixed. Rent, lights, power etc for the head office but those will be for a smaller configuration than what they are now. The majority of their current overhead, the people and their associated costs, will be variable in nature in the following manner. With the service providers they will operate based on the activity they receive from the Preliminary Specifications task and transfer network. If a well is on production, then production is reported and the service providers that are required within those processes, revenue accounting, paying royalties, production allocations, etc are involved in those tasks. They will conduct their activities and issue a billing for the administrative and accounting activities they conducted to the Joint Operating Committee. Not the producer. If there was no production, none of the service providers will receive anything from the task and transfer network and therefore no activity will be incurred by the service providers and no billing to the Joint Operating Committee.
The producer will, as a result of this, know with better clarity than they do now, exactly what their profits are for any specific Joint Operating Committee. An allocation of capital, revenues, operating costs, royalties and actual overheads incurred by the service providers will give them a precise accounting. It will be on the basis of this accounting that if the property is not producing a profit. A profit that also considers the costs of capital and actual overheads. Then the property would be shut-in or suspended until such time as the commodity prices would provide profitable operations. While shut-in, nothing will be generated from the property to trigger any of the administrative and accounting service providers to conduct any of their activities in the task and transfer network. Therefore creating a null operation, no profit, but most importantly no loss either. Only the cost of capital is uncovered during times of shut-in production.
As a result of our decentralized production model. The producer saves these reserves for a time when they can be produced profitably. The commodity marketplace supply is reduced by the marginal production, leading to higher prices. And the producers report higher profits on lower production profiles. Profitable properties are not having to make up for unprofitable ones. This industry based organizational structure is what is required to deal with the abundance of the high cost, highly prolific shale based reservoirs. Dumping overproduction onto the marketplace just doesn't seem to be working. Unless, you're in the fully vested pension business that is.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.