Our Solution Part VII
Like most people I’m happy with our value proposition. Reading this blog and the Preliminary Specification shows that it is a valid model that will work within the industry. The thing is there’s much, much more. The basis of the Preliminary Specifications research was on innovation. How can an industry that is based on the earth sciences and applied science of engineering become more innovative in its makeup? What we learned in the publication of our Preliminary Research Report was that innovation can be a defined and replicable process. Therefore, what would be required within the industry in order to enable those people with the innovations to come forward and enable them? The answers to this question have been captured and implemented in the Preliminary Specification.
Take as an example our Work Order system. There are two key aspects of the system and the first is a means in which to capture costs within the producers organization. Having the earth science and engineering resources accounting for their time and efforts on a daily basis. And in turn having these costs charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee to which they are working. These people are not overhead. The overhead of the producer has been shifted into the service providers. These are the people who are working in the projects that are Authorized for Expenditure. It will be to the various AFE’s that the majority of the earth scientists and engineers time is allocated to. In the Preliminary Specification there will no longer be a cost associated with being classified with operatorship as the earth science and engineering resources will be charged directly to the Joint Operating Committee.
The innovative aspect of the Work Order is its ability to work within the industry across producers and service industry participants. The ability to organize an ad-hoc group of companies to research or study some idea or innovation. These types of activities have occurred occasionally in all producers. They are however an accounting and bureaucratic disaster awaiting the individual with the innovative idea. These bureaucratic disasters are the constraint to these individuals and producers and the reason they are not undertaken more often. In an innovative, science based industry such as oil and gas. Where the demands of the consumer will become more difficult for the oil and gas industry to supply. The need for high volumes of these research and study groups to be undertaken will be necessary. Significantly higher volumes. Therefore we needed to create a system that would enable the innovator to organize the like minds from within the industry, raise the resources, both cash and other means, and deploy those in a manner that was less onerous than raising an AFE, or the current bureaucratic ad-hoc approach. One that employed a system where the commitments of each producer could be obtained and employed. The bills incurred and paid and the results of the research shared by those participants. And this will be done through a simple interface that eliminates the bureaucracy from this process. And doesn’t question the innovators integrity with questions from accounting each quarter.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.