The Service Providers Role
Getting these concepts into the minds of the future user community participants is critical to the success of People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. We are not rebuilding the existing systems that are so deficient in providing value to the oil and gas producer. The entire configuration of the industry, where the service providers are separate from the producers. And focused on one individual process of the producers business. Demands a different perspective and point of view of how the industry operates and the systems that are built by the user community.
Our objective in making these changes is to provide the flexibility in the producers deliverability and production profile, and to allow them to focus on their key competitive advantages of their earth science and engineering capabilities, and their land and asset base. The service providers on the other hand are handling the administrative or accounting process that is theirs. They own the process and are solely responsible for the management of it on behalf of the industry. Their process is their competitive advantage. And with that they have the people to manage the process, the capabilities to make changes to both the process and the software itself through their participation in the user community. This is the critical point of failure where the quality of systems usually fail. The producer currently has no one to turn to who has ownership of the issue. The service provider, who contains the user community participant, has the power through the user community vision to enable the changes to be made. They will have the people to deal with the producers issues.
It will be the service providers process that is the source of their competitive advantage. And it will be on the basis of specialization and the division of labor that they are able to compete. Taking the data set of the industry and being responsible for it for that process is a completely different basis in which to look at the industry. It is also the only reasonable approach here in the 21st century. Having each producer develop the administrative and accounting capabilities to support their organization is a constraint and is the primary reason that so many producers are losing money. The scope and scale of the actual overhead of the producer is not that significant, however it is large enough that it requires them to continue producing in the current environment. With all the staff on their payroll they need to keep operating all of their properties to continue paying everyone. The shale revolution is declaring this business model is out of step with the needs of the industry. The bureaucrats won’t listen and continue on despite putting their firms in jeopardy. Change is desperately needed.
What we as individuals need to do is to think of the ways that the service providers will work in this new environment. That is the way that we need to go about building these new processes. First in the software itself with People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. Remember software identifies and supports the organizational constructs. That will enable the changes to be made in the organizations. Then with the user community participants developing the service providers themselves the changes needed in the industry can be implemented with the software, the process and the people operating in the manner that makes the oil and gas producer the most profitable that they can be.
It will be on the competitive basis that the service provider will use specialization and the division of labor. These will be their key tools in assisting the oil and gas producers. However, people will also need to think what the division of labor between computers and people will be. We need to stop doing the work that is best left to the computers. And begin the far more exciting work of leadership, unstructured problem solving, decisions, creative work, collaboration, research, ideas, design, planning, thinking and making the computers work for us, instead of us working for them.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.