Accounting At the Property Level
The main culprit is overhead. The producer has no ability to determine what the overhead of a property is. Many might consider this to be an immaterial amount, however, when you consider what the gross G&A of a producer is, you'll see that the amounts become material to the determination of the properties profitability. The other aspect is the amount is hidden and only recognized as an overhead allowance that is chargeable to the joint account. These allowances are too small to recognize the real costs associated with the overhead of the property. Therefore the property is over reporting their profits. And the majority of the G&A that is reported on the Income Statement is only the net, after capitalization of the majority of the overhead occurs.
If you look at most annual reports you will find a determination of the netback prices showing that the producer is providing positive margins on their operations. And they are. However you can also see that these calculations only include the costs of royalties and production costs. And they are averages. Included in those averages are a few properties that are wiping out all of the profits of the producer. If you include the actual gross overheads and a reasonable depletion based on, lets say the decline curve, you will find that not every property within the producers portfolio will continue to report a profit. This is only reasonable. It is People, Ideas & Objects suggestion through use of the Preliminary Specification that the producer shut-in those properties that are unable to produce a profit, based on an actual accounting of the properties costs.
This can’t be done with the current bureaucratic systems and procedures. They are using accounting policies that were designed in the 1960’s that were involved in the introduction of computers. They are stuck with allowances and estimates, accruals and a whole lotta fudge to make their systems work. To get an accurate accounting of the costs of the property would require them to reorganize the industry around different parameters. Much like what our decentralized production model does.
And the focus that we provide the producer brings two new elements in terms of increasing their profits. One is the focus on specialization and the division of labor. Two economic principles that have been responsible for all of the economic growth that we have realized since the 1790’s. The ability to focus on these principles does not currently exist due to the fact that each producer needs to build the administrative and accounting capabilities within their organizations. And there is no current opportunity for them to share in these capabilities with other producers. When each producer has to be Sarbanes Oxley compliant, each producer has to hire Sarbanes Oxley compliance people. Therefore the administrative and accounting requirements of the producer firm are a constraint and limit to the speed and capacity to grow. With the Preliminary Specifications development of an industry wide administrative and accounting capability, these speed and capacity to grow constraints are removed and the issues do not arise. By having a Sarbanes Oxley compliant service provider specializing in the legislation and providing their services across the industry.
The second element that we provide is for the producer to be a price maker in the oil and gas commodity markets. As we noted above, the ability to shut-in production at the property, when available across the industry will provide the following advantages.
- The producer actually increases their profitability by reducing their production.
- Under the decentralized production model there will be no overhead incurred by the producer on shut-in production. Overhead becomes a variable cost based on production.
- The commodity prices will rise as there will be less product on the market.
- And the overall cost to produce will remain lower due to the fact that you won't be adding the losses of the property as additional costs to be earned in the future.
The fact that Exxon is borrowing money to fund their negative cash flow. And it is expected that $100 billion will be needed to fund the negative cash flow of the shale formations. People, Ideas & Objects rational story about determining profits and acting on the outcomes makes sense to me. The bureaucrats are too conflicted to be involved in our software developments. We eliminate them from the scene. And the investors are cutting and running. Looks to me like an industry that has to experience the phenomenon of creative destruction in order to make the changes to the Preliminary Specification.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.