My Oil and Gas Overvalued Hypothesis
If producers were to recognize a reasonable depletion of their capital costs. A method that is closer to what a traditional business would use. Their depletion expense for each year would be higher than what is currently reported. By assigning all of the costs involved in the producers capital costs to the asset base of the producer, this inflates the assets on the high side. Traditional businesses who are involved in elements of research are required to expense all research expenses incurred in the current period. Any unsuccessful operations would also be expensed in the current period, however that is not the case in oil and gas. The other aspect of oil and gas capital costs that causes them to bloat the balance sheet and over report earnings is the fact that the capital costs are deducted across the reserves base. In many cases the reserves base is continually expanded from year to year. And the reserve life index of the firm in most cases exceeds a decade. Leaving the situation where most producers are deducting far less than 10% of their assets within a reporting year. This seems inconsistent when the costs to maintain that reserve base and deliverability can and does usually cost upwards of 30% of the asset value of the firm on an annual basis. This would appear to me to determine that the capital costs of the producer should be depleted over a three year term.
Clearly this overvaluation is the SEC’s fault and the accountants at the audit firms accept this thinking as it makes them feel cool and hip in the eyes of the engineers and geologists of the producer firms. Something that they are not generally known for. The problem is that the engineers and geologists are not trained in the accounting requirements and are unaware of the distortions within the balance sheet and income statements that they are producing. They think their activities which are building the firm and its profits are moving the firm in the right direction. Whereas a more conservative evaluation of their asset base would instill a more conservative use of their discretionary cash flow and earnings. If there were any. The net effect of a more conservative depletion methodology would be a more focused industry. In my opinion.
What we have now is the fire alarm ringing and producers running about spending money on the shale based plays that are the place to be. Expanding their productive capacities, building their asset bases and destroying the commodity marketplaces. The continuation of these activities in the face of such losses is not evident to them. Even though they are having to finance their negative cash flows, which on an industry wide basis are projected to be negative $100 billion just for shale. A ludicrous and incoherent manner in which to run an industry.
Clearly the bureaucrats are unable to change. But the incentives and the requirements of being in business are being distorted by a methodology of accounting that doesn’t recognize the real cost of the business. Until a new business model, the Preliminary Specification, and the user community and service providers are able to provide the industry with these kinds of appropriate accountings the industry will be run in this distorted manner. Remember the SEC defines the upper limit of what can be recorded as assets. That doesn't necessarily mean that everything has to be reported as an asset or that the upper limit has to be reached. In an industry that expects to spend the money the oil and gas industry does in the future. Estimates vary and range in the many trillions of dollars over the mid-term. Its important to put those costs in the proper context. Are they assets, or should they be written off in an appropriate time table. One that leads to systemic, large and unreasonable industry wide losses.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative, profitable and successful means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.