Computers Working For Us
These failures in terms of implementation function throughout the industry and have provided the metaphorical cement that keeps producers from making any changes to the way that they operate. The structure and responsiveness of these producers are somewhat the same as a robot that has been programmed to conduct two tasks. Produce at capacity and increase capacity. Ask it to shut-in unprofitable production and it will just start smoking. There is no ability or capability within the organizations to do anything other than the prime directive. This was fine when oil and gas was scarce. Now with everyone booking 2 tcf annually of additional gas reserves the need for change is evident to everyone, and no one can make any change. The industry has an operating system where there are no programmers or system administrators to make the necessary changes to the program that operates the industry.
User based systems are the solution to this rigidity and inability to deal with the situation on the ground. By having the user define and build the software that identifies and supports the organization the people are instructing the computers what to do. Not the other way around. If a change is necessary in the business model of the profitable oil and gas producer then the users can implement that change and have the industry operating under that business model in short order. The People, Ideas & Objects software development capability, our user community and the service providers will be able to make these changes and improvements on a constant basis.
This is the capability that will exist within the industry from now until the end of time. That is as far as I'm concerned. People, Ideas & Objects are organized in our Revenue Model to generate revenues based on the changes to the system from the user community. We are oriented to change unlike the current systems that are oriented to a point in time installation. We have the user community as a permanent established resource available to make the changes to the software. Our users are the only people that our software developers will listen too. Our users are also the critical founding resources of the service providers who are the manner in which the producers have their administration and accounting provided to them. They are the ones who will know what is and isn’t working. What needs to change and how that change needs to be implemented. And as members of the user community they will be able to make those changes at any time in the future through the permanent software development capability provided by People, Ideas & Objects. That way oil and gas producers won’t find themselves working against their best interests for decades at a time.
Someone has programmed the industry in the fashion that it has. Its losing money and is failing spectacularly. And we the people are unable to do anything about this. I suggest a change where we organize ourselves in a manner where the computers work for us. After all it makes a lot more sense in the long run, doesn't it?
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.