Some Issues Past and Present
One thing that can be stated for certain is that I have been at this for a long time. It’ll be 24 years in May 2015. Each of these years has been a great adventure. The turning point for me to start this firm was in May of 1991 I was doing an audit at Imperial Oil and suddenly I saw an opportunity that was so obvious, so possible and so complete that I had to take the chance to make that opportunity real. It really has been an attempt by myself to communicate that vision of what I saw in May of 1991 and make it real.
Another turning point came when I had to find a topic for my thesis for my MBA. Thinking that it would have to have something to do with this business I thought hard about what it was that was so different in that vision of 1991 that is different from today’s industry. And it was the use of the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer. I therefore wrote my thesis on that basis and set up the hypothesis for a long term research project. If the Joint Operating Committee was the key organizational construct of the dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer. “What” would it look like, “how” would it function, and “how” and “what” would the industry operate? That was May 2004 and this research could be done in a couple of quick sprints and that would be that.
The final edited version of the Preliminary Specification was published on December 20, 2013. That was only eight years and seven months. So a quick sprint is the equivalent of four years and three and one half months. The key was we now had a product. One that solved the administrative, accounting and operational issues and opportunities of the industry now and for the future. One that provides the industry with a dynamic, innovative and profitable footing for its long term health, and for society and individuals too. What was personally so difficult was the work was hard. The hardest work I could have ever imagined. A million things didn't work. And what made it harder was the fact that I was run out of town when I published the May 2004 Preliminary Research Report which was my master’s thesis. This told the bureaucracy I was gunning for them and they fired the first of many shots from then on. So although I don't pretend to hide my dislike of the bureaucracy here, it is personal. This could have been a lot easier.
The bureaucrats might be concerned that I will quit my pursuit of this project. Why when we’re just a few quick sprints away from completion. Compared to the early days, life is just a breeze. There was so much missing in 1991, like the Internet and the Information Technologies that we are using now. Fully mature technologies that weren't even thought of back then. This vision from 1991 only became technically practical in the past five years or sooner! The issue for the bureaucrats is that the only impediment to our future is them. And we have overcome much larger difficulties in these past 24 years.
Nonetheless our friends the bureaucrats have destroyed the business so fundamentally it makes this work more valuable. Did I ever mention that we have a value proposition in the trillions of dollars. Run it yourself. Take the present value at current rates of an annuity of $350 billion and you come up with around $5.7 trillion that industry can earn by using the Preliminary Specification through to 2040. But don't tell the bureaucracy, that will only upset them.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.