Scaling Up and Down a Producers Productive Capabilities
With People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification high levels of drilling activity will be undertaken. When producers shut-in production they will have an inventory of shut-in properties in which to focus their innovative energies to bring their costs down, increase their underlying reserves or increase their production throughput. Then when they achieve one of those objectives they will be able to return the property to profitable production and increase their daily deliverability. This is how a producer needs to operate. And with the decentralized production model the producer will be profitable at any level of their capacity. Whether they are at 50%, 80% or 100% of their capacity, as long as they hold to the principle of only producing profitable properties they will have a profitable operation. Unlike today where at 100% capacity, all producers are creating massive, systemic and terminal losses with a business model that has ceased to function.
The People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model functions in a manner that is consistent with the characteristics of the shale based reserves. If shale exists in the marketplace, with its unique dynamics, a new business model must provide a means for the producers to use. The decentralized production model gives the producers this business model by reorganizing the producer firm and the industry resources in a way that enables the producer to operate profitably at less than 100% capacity. By reducing the prototypical producer to the C class executives, the earth science and engineering resources, some land and legal, and support staff. The remaining and quite sizable administrative and accounting resources are reallocated to service providers who focus on one individual process and have the entire industry as their client base. They then bill for their services, based on activity, to the individual Joint Operating Committee. Making the administrative and accounting resources an industry wide capability that is a variable cost to each Joint Operating Committee.
As a producer operates their properties based on the profitability of the production. Those that are located in the shut-in inventory are not billed anything from the service providers for any administrative or accounting costs. Since those properties are idle they are not creating the work for the service providers and as a result, no work and no billing is generated for any of the service providers for that month the property is shut-in. The property will record a null operation, no profits but also no losses. Only the costs of capital involved in bringing the property from the shut-in inventory back into production will be incurred. This relieves the burden of what producers are doing today by producing at capacity. Producing profitable properties and unprofitable properties which wipe out the profits of the firm.
The ability to scale up and down the producers level of capacity at anytime based on the commodity prices is something that will be necessary for every producer to assess each month on each property. If the commodity prices are unable to support the property, then it should be shut-in the following month until either prices recover, or the property has some innovation that brings it back to profitability. And when we calculate the properties costs in the Preliminary Specification it will be the actual costs. Not an estimate based on what an analyst thinks the margin is in the general area of operations. It will be the actual revenues, less royalties, less operations and include the administrative and accounting costs. The full costs of the property in terms of what it costs to produce. A fundamental shift from what is done today. Ask a producer what the specific costs are for a property down to the actual administrative and accounting costs and you'll get a deer in the headlights kind of stare back. Not one producer anywhere in the industry can answer that question. And that is kind of sad, isn't it? I'm sure they'll respond to you saying that their administrative and accounting costs are not that significant. And you can ask them what the “total” G&A that was capitalized last year. Then that deer just can’t jump out of the way fast enough.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.