Some Thoughts on Our Future
People, Ideas & Objects appeal resonates with a broad audience in the oil and gas community. Frustration with the bureaucracy is an age old complaint that doesn't require too much argument for people to agree with. Our appeal is much broader than that. People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification, user community, and service providers project a vision of the ways and means of the oil and gas industry that is compelling and complete. A vision that deals with the issues of today such as low natural gas prices and the high demand for earth science and engineers. But also provides the framework in which to deal with the issues and opportunities of tomorrow. This is where the user community and service providers come in. Their ability to institute change within the frameworks to deal with the current and prospective situations in the industry will provide the industry with much needed capabilities.
The oil and gas industry has changed. The shale based reserves have endowed the industry with the reserve base for the next few generations. However they are not profitable. And within today’s business model they are of no commercial value. The oil and gas industry, or the bureaucracy refuses to even discuss this issue. Choosing to muddle along hoping for a cold winter or something that will fix it. At the same time ignoring People, Ideas & Objects. Ignoring us because we preclude them from the future of the industry. Theirs is a self interested or selfish point of view that is inconsistent with the scope of the problem that is facing them.
From our lofty perch up here in Canada we can see the devastation of the great “hope and change” experiment that the United States has been involved in since 2008. We had a similar one in the 1960’s, 70’s and 80’s under our Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau. We are still paying for the cost of that experiment. From what we see up here we can’t believe that the U.S. has fallen so far, so fast. And in a related way the great experiment with alternative fuels and renewable energy is proving to be what it is. Therefore I hope that the U.S. can get back on track and remember that the progressives are really that dangerous. And that the damage from them isn't too costly. And that the natural gas business can become the fuel that powers the next great leap.
I’d like to think that that is the case. And with a new organizational configuration the shale gas reserves could become the engine that drives the U.S. and Canada forward. If so it will have to do so profitably. There is no way that the industry can continue to lose money on natural gas at the rate that it is for the past few years. What the industry is involved in now is not rational. And what is tragic is that the industry carries on without a single thought about the rationale about doing so.
I think we have come to a point in our organizational evolution where the big organizational behemoths have finally proven incapable of dealing with the speed and scope of the changes that we face. What is needed is a new method in which to organize ourselves to solve our issues and profit from our opportunities. I propose the Preliminary Specification, the user community and the service providers.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most dynamic, innovative and profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.