Operations of the Service Providers Part II
It is on the basis of changing the relationship of how the producer accesses their administrative and accounting capabilities that we are able to enhance their profitability as we noted above. However, it is also how we are able to implement the decentralized production model. This model provides the capability of the producer to implement a “price maker” strategy that will be a key competitive capability in this shale based reserves era. This is enabled by the producer shutting in any unprofitable production. Reducing the amount of the commodity on the marketplace and therefore increasing the commodities prices. At the same time, during the period that the production is shut-in, the reserves are held for a time when they can be produced profitably. The property records a null operation as there are no revenues, no operating costs and no overhead costs. The lack of overhead costs being incurred is a feature of dealing with the administrative and accounting capabilities on an industry wide basis. When the property is shut-in the service providers will receive nothing from the task and transfer network that will cause them to incur any administrative or accounting action or generate a billing for their services for that month.
The task and transfer network is a part of the Preliminary Specification that will be developed in a variety of different modules. It provides the high level of automation that is necessary for the service providers to efficiently process the oil and gas producers operations. The task and transfer network is the automation of the processes that is a key toolset of the service provider. Just as specialization, the division of labor and cloud computing are key toolsets of the service providers. It is the application of these tools that are the focus of the service providers in providing the oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.
The task and transfer network is the beginning of automation of the producers process. When an activity occurs at a property such as production, construction, operation or drilling for example. Then that activity invokes the process management of the software and the pertinent service providers. If nothing is conducted at the property to invoke a process at the task and transfer network then no administrative or accounting work is incurred by the software or the service providers, creating no billing from the service providers. The producers are being billed only for what they use. It is in this way that a producer can control their costs and ensure that they are able to have higher profitability at lower production volumes, and achieve higher commodity prices by removing their excess unprofitable production from the marketplace.
It is the service provider that resides at the point of discovery and conflict of the producers administrative and accounting operations. It is there that they can improve and enhance the process through the substantial toolset that they have at their disposal. Key within that toolset is the People, Ideas & Objects software development capability and their direct participation in the user community. And it is in that way they can effect real change to ensure that their producer clients are provided with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.
The Preliminary Specification and user community provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.