Adjusting our Timelines and Deliverables
What we need now is the user community to begin forming. The user community is a critical element of the quality of the software that is developed from this point forward. People, Ideas & Objects are user based software developments. We need a strong user community to be permanently developed to direct the software developers in the needs of the software that will be used in the industry. This user community, based on our user community vision, has the resources and wherewithal to affect the changes within the industry through the business models contained within the software itself. If industry wants to fundamentally change the way that the software operates then they are able to work through the user community in order to have those changes realized.
We want to be selected as the choice of which solution the industry uses to manage their assets. In order to do that we have to have certain elements of the user community established as the third component of our offering. We are starting by developing the necessary leadership of the user community. This leadership consists of both the leadership for the user community itself and the leadership for the Preliminary Specification. We have set in place time lines to have the developments of the Preliminary Specification begin in the year 2019. Enabling us the time to prepare for and to get the word out of what we are doing.
The bureaucracy have shut us out of the marketplace in terms of participation in the ERP vendor marketplace. We therefore have no resources and are doing this on a volunteer basis until our budget is raised. Our capital requirements are significant, however our impact to the individual producers is far greater than our costs. The opportunity costs that are being incurred during the time we are developing the leadership team will be in excess of $300 billion.
I think that it is clear to me that developing the user community beyond the leadership team would be counterproductive. Involving the general user in a potentially contingent operation is unnecessary and hazardous to their careers. Having the leadership team in place would be more than adequate for the industry to make a decision as to which method they want their assets managed. Going beyond the leadership team in terms of user community development would be a nice to have, however I don't think it adds any greater value to the decision making process that the people who will be making the decision will need. So I think we can keep it at these three components of our offering and force the decision based on those criteria. Based on that we need to revisit our timelines and recognize that our development start date of 2019 is appropriate however we need to move the decision time frame forward in recognition that we will not have a full user community in place. Therefore I have moved the decision timeframe forward to January 2017, 30 months from today, enabling an additional 2 years of user community development after the decision is made.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.