Pooling of Technical Resources in the Partnership Accounting Module
Recently we discussed the need for the members of the Joint Operating Committee to pool the earth science and engineering resources to make up the capabilities necessary for the property. This will be done due to the ability of each and every oil and gas producer to build the capabilities within their own producer firm. This will soon create excessive demand on the earth science and engineering professions that will extend beyond the existing industry resource base. With shortages in the numbers of earth scientists and engineers in the mid to long term. Alternative methods of organization, specialization and the division of labor are the means in which People, Ideas & Objects have chosen to deal with this issue.
When each producer is building the internal capabilities that are needed for their operated properties. They are required to build for every contingency for all of their properties. In doing so they are building capabilities that are unused and unusable when looked at from the industry perspective. These unused and unusable resources are trapped in the producer firm and are otherwise irretrievable. This current method will also discover difficulties as the underlying sciences continue to expand and demand that further specialization of the profession is necessary. Any further specialization, without the ability to reorganize these resources will cause the scope of what a producer needs to have on staff to expand further. Making the financial viability of the producer questionable at any production profile.
What People, Ideas & Objects Research & Capabilities and Knowledge & Learning module enable the producer firm to do is to specialize in their earth science and engineering capabilities. It will be in this way that the producer firm is able reduce the global scope of earth science and engineering capabilities within their firm. And take on a highly specialized capability. Something that the industry demands of the dynamic, innovative and profitable producer of the 21st century. Producers throughout the industry will be doing the same in terms of pursuing their unique specializations and capabilities.
As a result, the abilities and capabilities of the producers that make up the Joint Operating Committee will be diverse and quite probable to include what is required in order to cover off the global scope of the properties needs. A pooling of these capabilities will be enabled through the Knowledge & Learning module as its prime functionality. Additional capabilities, if required, can be made up from the marketplace of other earth science and engineering providers or producers.
Within the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification it is assumed that the earth science and engineering resources of the firm are not a cost centre but a source of revenue. Whether that revenue is derived as a result of direct charges to the Joint Operating Committee or to, lets call them customer Joint Operating Committees. The dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer has two separate and distinct revenue streams and lines of business within the lightweight footprint provided through the decentralized production model. This enables the producer firm to develop their earth science and engineering capabilities somewhat independently of their production profile.
The issue that is being resolved through the use of the Preliminary Specification here is the resource limitation of these critical professions. Using organizational methods, specialization and the division of labor are the appropriate means in which to approach the issue. The constraints of the Joint Operating Committee becomes an opportunity as it is the culture of the industry and therefore we are able to release the unused and unusable resources for use into the marketplace. Capturing this surplus capacity and employing it within the producer firms. Creating a second line of business within the producer firm helps to offset the costs of developing these highly specialized resources. Issues and opportunities that the dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas producer will need to address in the 21st century.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.