The Dynamic, Innovative and Profitable Producer Part III
Within the Preliminary Specification there are the Research & Capabilities module for developing capabilities, and the Knowledge & Learning module for deploying capabilities. It is within the Research & Capabilities module that the process of innovation has been captured and codified in the various interfaces. If a new technology were to look promising in terms of its ability to expand the reserves or deliverability of the firm. It would be in the Research & Capabilities module that the producer would undertake the research necessary to develop the capabilities within the producer firm to build that value. It is where “knowledge begets capabilities, and capabilities beget action.” And where capabilities have been quantified as the “knowledge, skills, experience and ideas” of the producer firm.
Concentrating the energies of the producer firms competitive advantages of its earth science and engineering capabilities in the development of new capabilities based on the understanding of those resources and the activities within the industry is the focus that a producer wants to achieve. In a dynamic, innovative and profitable oil and gas industry things will happen quickly with little consideration for the laggard firm. Oil and gas success will be based on its scientific principles, if it isn’t already. The days when Lawyers could exorcise value through good deals, or financial people could structure good returns are gone. It is the principles of science that will lead the dynamic, innovative and profitable producer for the foreseeable future. The ability to focus on the development of the producers capabilities in the manner that is discussed here will be a critical part of a producers competitive advantage.
Consistent with that ability to focus on the development of the capabilities the dynamic producer will also need systems that enable them to deploy those capabilities in a focused and dynamic manner. And that is where the Knowledge & Learning module comes in to play. First we need to realize that the ability to maintain a focus on all that is happening within the industry will be beyond the capabilities of the majority of the oil and gas producers. The need to specialize in specific domains of the engineering and earth science professions will be a necessity due to the financial constraints of attempting to pursue everything. As we mentioned yesterday the dynamic, innovative and profitable producer will share their capabilities with their Joint Venture Partners who are specializing in their capabilities. It will be a pooling of those capabilities that make up the projects overall requirements. Additional capabilities will be supplied from the marketplace, if required.
It is the Knowledge & Learning module that presents the capabilities of the partners that are involved within the Joint Operating Committee. Each producer tags their capabilities for certain criteria and specific Joint Operating Committees. While in the Knowledge & Learning module for that Joint Operating Committee the user would be presented with the capabilities of all of the participants who are working interest owners in that Joint Operating Committee. It is in that way that the “knowledge begets capabilities, and capabilities beget action” and the “knowledge, skills, experience and ideas” of the people associated with the Joint Operating Committee are able to be employed in a Dynamic, Innovative and Profitable manner.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.