Accuracy, Precision a.k.a. How We Do It
Nonetheless as we pointed out the bureaucracies exercise will be costly and the results will be questionable in their accuracy. How is it then, that the Preliminary Specification would handle the accounting for overhead at the property level. What a good question, and I'm glad you asked! First there would be none of the fudge regarding whose costs the General & Administrative expenses you were incurring and reporting. When a service provider was sending an invoice to the Joint Operating Committee it will be for the 100% cost of administering their process at that property. At that point the invoice will be paid and the actual costs will be distributed to the individual producers who are working interest owners in the property. Exactly the same treatment that is done today for capital and operating costs would be handled for overhead costs in the Preliminary Specification. Therefore no costs of other producers overhead would be borne by other producers. And there would be no need for the ambiguous overhead allowances that are used today.
Therefore if the property requires an inordinate amount of effort to administer. Or if you carry a large percentage of the working interest share. Your overhead costs are going to be higher. The fact of the matter is under the Preliminary Specifications decentralized production model you will have the precise amount of your share of overhead recorded in the accounts that the property took to administer. The service providers are focused on the processes that they administer. The process of how the costs of the service providers administration is billed will be fully automated. So for example in the instance of the Production Accounting service provider, when a gas chart is read, that is noted in the task and transfer network, when production is captured in the field data capture network it is noted in the task and transfer network. And each unique task in the task and transfer network carries its own unique billing amount. So at the end of the month, the tasks and transfers are aggregated by the service provider to determine what the individual bills will be for the various Joint Operating Committees that produced that month. Then the individual invoices are sent out to each of the Joint Operating Committees.
This precision is being used throughout the service provider network. Again if there is no production from the Joint Operating Committee then there are no activities in the service providers task and transfer networks to create any billings to incur overheads for the month. It is in this way that a producer can shut-in 20% of their production and immediately see a commensurate 20% reduction in their overhead by using the decentralized production model of the Preliminary Specification. And actually improve their overall profitability. In yesterday’s example of a current system, if a producer reduced their production by 20% they would still incur 100% of their overhead for the foreseeable future. Only layoffs would make any changes to those values. If gas prices took six months to a year to respond to the removal of production from the market, the producer would be faced with the same problems that they are faced with today. Angry shareholders and the motivation to produce more.
It comes down to the breakthrough that we made in August of 2003 of using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organization construct of the innovative and profitable oil and gas producer. To not recognize it in your systems is to avoid the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation, and strategic framework of the industry. And as a result of not using the Joint Operating Committee you are forced into compromises that in the end make no sense, and do not provide any value to the oil and gas producer. Compromises that were made to accommodate situations that don't exist today. The Internet enables us to overcome these compromises, now we just have to overcome the bureaucracy.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.