A Plan to Deal With a Possible Scenario
I would hope that no one would be subject to any career risk in participation in the user community. That however is the naive part of me that doesn’t recognize the politics of major change initiatives. The reality is that the work that we will be doing here in the user community will be unique and of interest to those that can handle the risks that they take to their careers. We are changing the industry significantly, and for the better. One look at the user community vision and you can see that the power and authority that the community has will make the work exciting and rewarding. Risk is a part of that.
What I can do is assure you that once we commence the developments of the project we will complete them. And that is because we provide the oil and gas producers with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. They can not attain that profitability without the user community, People, Ideas & Objects, the service providers and cloud computing infrastructure, “the sub-industry” becoming operational. Therefore it is in their best interests to continue to push forward until the completion of the project.
If there were small increments of value being attained by the business model then we would be subject to greater risks than we are. With shale gas, and the prolific nature of the resource, a new business model must be brought into the industry. And that is what this sub-industry is doing. It’s a big problem, the unprofitable nature of the natural gas business. It can’t be sustained. We as a community have a solution to the specific problem of shale gas profitability. But also to a variety of other operational, administrative and accounting related problems that have been present in the industry for years. The Preliminary Specification addresses many of the current issues and is a framework for resolving future problems.
We will have our setbacks and there will be times when progress is interrupted unnecessarily. Those situations happen. We are however making wholesale structural changes to the way that the industry is configured. This level of change will invite a few hiccups. What we need to do is look beyond the bureaucrats to see the movers and shakers in the oil and gas industry. It is these people that I am certain that we will resonate with. And as far as their concerned we will be moving far too slowly for their liking. They'll be wanting to operate that stripped down version of an oil and gas producer that is focused exclusively on their earth science and engineering capabilities, and land and asset bases as their competitive advantages. The administrative and accounting work being done for them out “there.”
The other aspect that members of the user community can be assured of is that there will be revenues for the user community and service providers. People, Ideas & Objects have $667 million in user community funds budgeted in the initial developments. And the service providers will have the current producers G&A expenses diverted to them as revenues. Currently in North America the producers spend $40 to 60 billion on G&A. Therefore a large portion of these funds would become the revenue streams of the service providers. With risk there is also reward.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.