#Oracle Budget
Lets start off with something tangible. Hardware is used by People, Ideas & Objects to run the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification in a cloud computing configuration. Oracle engineers their hardware to run their database and Java technologies at far faster speeds than the competition. Evaluating Oracle on a cost / performance basis is a slam dunk. No one can currently come close to the types of performance that Oracle is able to attain with their hardware and database. This is one of the premier reasons that we have selected Oracle. This is the reason that they are the dominant database technology in the world and will stay that way as long as Larry Ellison remains the head of the firm. Larry Ellison is the Steve Jobs of the corporate world, and Oracle is the Apple. We have therefore budgeted $100 to 200 million in hardware for providing the Preliminary Specification to the oil and gas industry on a cloud computing configuration. This amount of computing power is augmented with additional processing power. With a share of the $25 to 50 million in the services budget being allocated for the use of the Oracle Cloud service for any of our peak computing demand requirements.
The second budget allocation is $5 million for software. This number has no basis in its determination other than it is a best guess as to what the cost will be to acquire the software for the cloud configuration of Oracle Fusion Middleware and Oracle Fusion Applications. There are individual user licenses that are also budgeted and noted below, this is for the one time acquisition costs of the software for development purposes.
There are a number of services that are offered by Oracle that can be accessed through this budget. I mentioned the cloud computing services. There are also Database Administrators, tuning and related services that fall outside of the development domain. These are collected and provided in this budget allocation of $25 to 50 million.
Then we come to the Oracle developers. It has been my experience that you can learn about Oracle technologies through experience, or you can hire their developers to implement that high level of knowledge for you. The ability to hire their developers provides you with the understanding of the technologies at a higher level. One that you would have eventually learned, at substantial cost. I choose the cheap way and have allocated a healthy budget for the inclusion of $150 to 350 million or 450 to 1050 man years of Oracle developers. Undertaking a large development such as People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification and using Oracle Fusion based products demands that we extensively use Oracle developers. They are, in a very significant way, an insurance policy for the oil and gas industry in terms of the overall deliverability of the project.
The last budgeted item is for user licenses during the development for the developers and the members of the user community. These user licenses are for development only. Additional charges will come into play for the runtime use of the application. And the user license charges at that time will be much larger as their will be large portions of the industry using the application, not just the user community and the developers. These licenses include the entire stack of database, Java, Oracle Fusion Middleware, Oracle Fusion Application licenses. These are budgeted at $3,700 per man year for a total of $9 to 18 million.
Oracle brings a unique character to the Preliminary Specification. I am pleased to be providing People, Ideas & Objects applications on their technology. When we add the user community to this we become ever so stronger. We are building an application for the 21st century and now is the time to get involved.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy. And don't forget to join our network on Twitter @piobiz anyone can contact me at 403-200-2302 or email here.