Producing Shale Gas Profitably
The problem with reducing production in the high throughput production model that is employed today. Is that it only makes things look worse. Overheads look even more top heavy than they do at full capacity. Layoffs are one of the solutions to the poor optics but that only masks the problem. The problem is that each company must maintain certain capacities with respect to what they are capable of achieving as an organization. Cutting staff only reduces the capabilities in certain areas. What is needed is a different way in which the oil and gas producer achieves, accesses and develops those capabilities. In the Preliminary Specification those capabilities are developed on an industry wide basis, not an individual producer basis. This reduces the redundancies of each producer building the same capabilities within each firm and having no ability to share these resources.
By having the service providers staffed by the resources of the producer firms. These service providers can then reorganize themselves based on the specific processes that they specialize on. Using the entire industry wide data set as their client base they would be able to use specialization and the division of labor to provide efficiencies and effectiveness that was far greater than that of the largest producer today. The quality of their services would also be enhanced.
It is assumed in the Preliminary Specification that the oil and gas producers competitive advantage is their asset base and their earth science and engineering capabilities. Not their administrative and accounting functions. Taking the administration and accounting processes of the entire industry and setting them with the service providers would provide each producer with the appropriate administration of their assets. Any oil and gas producer that is competing based on their more efficient administrative capabilities should have their head examined. These are generic aspects of the business that all producers need to have taken care of. They are not critical to the business.
Each service provider, and there would be hundreds of service providers, but only one for each process. Would become highly specialized in their domain of knowledge and capabilities. Providing services to producers of all sizes. Bringing to the industry the state of art in terms of what is possible for that process. In addition they would be backed up by the People, Ideas & Objects software development capability that would enable them to make the changes to further their specialization on a constant basis. Competition between the service providers would be at a high level. It just wouldn't be at the direct level of competing for the business of the process. Each service provider would in essence have an industry wide monopoly on the process that they managed. It would be in that they way that they could achieve the most from specialization and the division of labor.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.