The Power Within the User Community
A decade has passed since we began writing about developing software for the Joint Operating Committee. And it has been one year that we have actually had a product, the Preliminary Specification. I am a fan, let me restate that, I was a fan of research. After nine years of it I have had enough. If I never see another paper I will be fine with it. What gets me out of bed in the morning is checking my stats. Its a simpler life, but just as satisfying. Discussion of the product will keep me going for a few more years. I hate to admit it, but I started developing oil and gas ERP systems in my first company in 1991.
The Preliminary Specification provides an overall vision of how the industry could operate in the 21st century. An ambitious plan. However, one that is needed for the times that we live in. People who work within the industry who can see this vision can align themselves to it and begin the process of orienting themselves and their commercial lives around it. This is how the changes will take place. Individuals acting in their own best interests. Joined together through the user community. A place where they have the means to effectively provide for the most profitable means of oil and gas operations.
Its up to the user community now to take the Preliminary Specification and make it theirs. To mold it into the systems that they can use on a day to day basis. One in which they can address the issues and opportunities that arise in the oil and gas industry, the service industry and the service providers. The service providers potentially being a part of their own commercial operation. Where their dual revenue streams are split between user community contributions and service provider fees.
The impact that the user community has on the oil and gas industry will be significant. We can see already in the Preliminary Specification how it solves the operational concerns of the industry today. How will it solve the issues of tomorrow. This will be the role of the user community. We’re not talking about a committee of people who are endlessly publishing technical requirements that no one will look at. We are talking about the people who are responsible for the systems that will be built. Any change by the user community will see an immediate change to the software by the People, Ideas & Objects software developers. That’s the point. Instead of producing reams of paper that no one will look at. They will have the power to effect change. And the power to effect change on a grand scale. As we can see the changes that are made in the Preliminary Specification impact the industry significantly.
That is why this user community is different. It has a role to play in the development of the industry. And it has the power to affect the changes to develop the industry. Participation has to be as broad and diverse as possible to ensure that all points of view are represented and that changes are in line with the industry needs. One thing we can be certain of in the future. And particularly with the dynamic and innovative oil and gas industry. Change will be the constant that requires the user community to be creative, dynamic and innovative in its ability to provide direction and solve the issues of the industry in the future.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.