Participation has its Benefits
This alignment provides a fundamental competitive advantage to those producers who chose to use the Preliminary Specification. Having this alignment will enable them to address the issues of the day and to configure their organizations towards the opportunities they see. It should be noted that those producers that choose to participate in the developments of the Preliminary Specification will receive even greater benefits. They will attain the ability to have the software consider their particular circumstance and include within the definition those unique attributes. In addition they will be able to have those attributes within their organization reinforced through the development of the software. Participation should be considered a unique and one time opportunity for producers within the industry.
Additional benefits will accrue to those who participate when the time comes to be operational on the software. The transition to the software will be seamless and more natural as a result of being familiar and oriented to the changes that will be needed in the organization. Those producers who think they might be best served by sitting out the first iteration might find that those that participated in the first round will have gained the competitive advantages and are already moving the software in new directions that are derived from being operational on the Preliminary Specification. Taking a producer from the bureaucratic ways to the second iteration of the software, without the benefit of being involved in the initial development efforts, as there would also be no basis of organizational similarity, would be difficult. These iterations will be quick, and the organizational development will be approximately equivalent to the speed at which the industry changes.
There is participation and there is competitive oblivion in my opinion. If we can substantiate opportunity costs of $94 billion in one calendar year. This shows the power of Information Technology in its current form. The speed and effectiveness of the technology and organizational developments will only begin to accelerate. Participation in these software developments should be considered a necessary part of the producers core competitive advantage. Would anyone launch a producer firm with the stated purpose of not using calculators or computers. The use, deployment and development of these technologies needs to be part of the core producer firm.
Convincing the oil and gas producers that this is the case will be difficult. They think that drilling more wells will be the future of the industry. And they are hard to argue with. In reality they are not making any money and the day when they can raise money on the value they generate by drilling wells passed a few years ago. Investors are wise to their ways. What is needed is for the industry to get with the times and start looking at what is profitable. Start managing the business as a business and begin participating in the management of that business by getting involved in People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.