A Brief Synopsis
This simple alignment has significant repercussions across the industry. Hardly any position that is involved in the day to day of the oil and gas industry is unaffected by the changes of moving to the Joint Operating Committee. This includes the oil and gas industry and the service industries that support the oil and gas producer. It also affects what we call service providers, a new sub-industry of process oriented organizations that provide services to the oil and gas producers and particularly, the Joint Operating Committees. These service providers are critical to the changes made in the industry to increase its profitability.
Innovation in the earth science and engineering disciplines are enabled in the Preliminary Specification. The research that preceded the Preliminary Specification determined what was needed in an organization in order for innovation to be enabled. These elements have been implemented into the software that is the Preliminary Specification and will be available to the producers that use the software. Innovation is as much an engineering discipline, and it can be reduced to a defined and replicable process if the organization is designed to enable it. The Preliminary Specification has taken this approach.
One of the key elements of the Preliminary Specification is the use of the “decentralized production model.” Use of this model enables us to provide the industry with the majority of the $94 billion in 2012 opportunity costs. It sees the producer firm stripped down to the C class executives, earth science and engineering resources, some legal and support staff. The remainder of the firms resources are allocated to service providers who are focused on the industry wide process, or subprocess. There they can apply the toolset of the division of labor and specialization to the global or industry wide data set as their client base. Billings for their services will be charged directly to the Joint Operating Committees in the month they are incurred.
The real value of the “decentralized production model” comes about when the Joint Operating Committee decides to shut-in production due to commodity prices not meeting the marginal costs. It will be at that time, when there is no production, that none of the associated overhead that is usually incurred by the service providers would be processed. And as a result no billing for that month will be sent to the Joint Operating Committee for the usual overhead costs. Therefore the property will have no production, no production costs and no overhead incurred during times it is shut-in. Only the costs of capital will be uncovered. This will reduce the downside to commodity prices as it reduces the commodities supply. And it reduces the losses on the property that would otherwise have to be added to the reserves costs to be made up in the future. If the industry were to adopt the Preliminary Specification they could mitigate the current natural gas pricing declines and deal with the prolific nature of the shale gas formations.
These are just some of the highlights of the Preliminary Specification. There are many more contained within its 175,000 words and the pages of this blog. I would encourage you to have a look and see for yourself if this is something that the oil and gas industry needs for today and the future.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.