Critical Resource Shortages
Speaking of the qualifying aspects of the Preliminary Specification. There is also the ability in which the producer firm is able to better manage their earth science and engineering resources. What is known is that there is a general shortage of geologists and engineers in the marketplace today. What is also known is that the demands for these skills will be growing and the numbers of retirements will exceed the number of new recruits. A solution to this issue is a necessary part of any ERP system and one has been included in People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. One that relies on the toolset of specialization and the division of labor as keys to solving these problems.
The key issue is that each producer firm in the current corporate model is having to build just-in-time earth science and engineering capabilities for each and every contingency that their firm may be faced with. This overbuilding of capabilities within each producer, on an industry wide basis, creates unused and unusable capacity in these critical resources. Taking this strategy into the future, where it would be expected that further specialization of these resources would require more specialized skills. And would demand that each producer bring on more resources to meet the just-in-time requirements of the corporate model. The scope and scale of their earth science and engineering operations would become such a burden as to be inoperable and unprofitable.
What is needed is a simpler solution that provides for that specialization and a division of labor to ensure that the needs of the industry are met. Using the division of labor in an effective way can help to mitigate the demand issues of these resources. Organizing these resources in different ways will increase their productivity and alleviate the critical resource constraints. The specialization arise at the producer level. That is each producer will specialize in an area of earth science and engineering disciplines that they have a distinct advantage. This advantage will then be pooled with the other members of the Joint Operating Committee, and with their specializations, it will be determined within the Knowledge & Learning module what areas of the operations they have the appropriate specializations for. Any deficiencies can be made up through the marketplace either through other producers or service providers offering the capabilities that are needed by that Joint Operating Committee.
This pooling concept releases the unused and unusable capabilities and resources that are locked in by the current corporate model to the marketplace. There they will be made available to be reorganized on a specialization basis within each producer. Having service providers handling some of the common processes on a industry wide basis will also help to increase productivity and reduce the demand for these key resources.
For several hundred years specialization and the division of labor were naturally occurring activities in the marketplace. Then software became a big part of our lives and ERP systems have locked our organizations into concrete. Disabling the organizations ability to develop specializations and further define increases in the division of labor. People, Ideas & Objects provides the Preliminary Specification and a software development capability designed to support specialization and the division of labor so that our organizations can evolve again. Without this software development capability the current corporate model is as broken as the former Soviet Union’s. Everyone complaining about shortages, and nothing being done about it.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.