Documenting the Transformation Part III
With the prolific nature of the shale gas reserves. And the behavior of the bureaucracies. Natural gas will be selling for $0.15 in 2017. What’s to stop the bureaucracy from continuing to produce everything they can even though it only produces losses? Even with the existence of the Preliminary Specification they will not, on their own, begin the development of these systems to rectify the situation. The point here is to show that the oil and gas business has changed. And the bureaucracy hasn’t. And has resisted the changes proposed in the Preliminary Specification. And are leaderless, faceless and mindlessly going about filling their own pockets and fulfilling their own interests at the expense of the health of the industry.
If we look at the future of the industry in terms of the next 20 to 30 years we see that the demand and supply are both escalating. With so many people joining the middle class the demand for energy will be significant. China is now the largest consumer and importer of oil. Natural gas reserves in North America are impressive thanks to shale, however, given time the demand for gas will be as impressive. It is this future that we need to consider and prepare for. And that begins by profitably managing our assets today. Why would a producer lose money on any oil and gas operation? It shouldn’t in my opinion, if the prices don’t meet the marginal costs then the property should be shut-in until it can be determined how it can be produced at a lower cost, or prices move higher. That’s the platform in which an innovative and profitable industry can approach the kind of future that we face here in oil and gas.
You here CEO’s complain that the focus of the investment community is on the current quarter’s performance and that’s it. The CEO feels that no one is concerned about the long term anymore. That is probably a CEO, like we mentioned yesterday, that will be losing his job overnight. You have to perform in the short term for that there's no escape. But that does not mean that anyone is giving up on the long term. It’s the CEO who should be the one who is setting the agenda for the long term as well as meeting the short term performance. And in order to do that today it must include the ability to deal with the organization and how it performs. And so much of what an organization's DNA is defined by is the systems that it uses. If it expects to be flexible and dynamic but its systems are static, its performance will be static. It must affect the DNA of the organization first, the systems, in order to affect the performance of the firm.
Making the change to the Preliminary Specification will provide the industry with a level of innovation and dynamism that is missing in the industry today. And that is only the beginning. What People, Ideas & Objects are providing is a software development capability to the industry for the future. A capability to affect change to the software to change the organization. So that when the industry needs changes to deal with the business over the next 20 to 30 years it can turn to People, Ideas & Objects, to have the software developed to meet those changes. This will be a critical capability for the industry to acquire in the process of developing the Preliminary Specification and beyond.
If ever there was to be an Information Technology revolution, this is the time and People, Ideas & Objects is the place. IT can dramatically affect the performance of the oil and gas industry both in the short and long term. But we need to deal with the bureaucracy and the old ways that things were done. This transition is not being handled well because people believe, as a result of the dotcom meltdown, that technology doesn’t have that significant a place in our lives. Well it has and it’s here in the way that the Preliminary Specification defines an innovative and dynamic business model for the future of the oil and gas industry.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.