Documenting the Transformation Part II
As we pointed out yesterday, there is a distinct conflict within the performance of the producer firm. The earth science and engineering professions are beginning to perform in an innovative manner and the bureaucracy are doing there thing, holding things back. This has led to the decline in natural gas prices from the discoveries from shale gas reserves and the bureaucracies inability to deal with the additional volumes of gas. As we noted in the Abstract of the Preliminary Specification the inability to deal with the changes from the cost control era to an innovative era would result in.
Changing the innovative behavior of one producer carries a scope of change that is as broad and as diverse as is contemplated in the business world. Change at this scale in many instances can not be managed within the organization but needs to be managed through the forces of creative destruction in the greater economy.
Change or the market will force change upon you. I think we are beginning to see the market deal with those producers that are unwilling to change. This past year many CEO’s and CFO’s were shown the door and not in the traditional courteous manner. Suddenly the announcement that the CEO had retired the day before has very rarely been heard. And the type of company that this applied to was not just the small oil and gas producer but it extended up to some of the very large independents. Particularly here in Canada. The boards are feeling the pressure of the shareholders to act to resolve the losses and do something about the natural gas side of the business.
Once again it has to be stated that the bureaucracy are fine. Although there were some announced layoffs in Talisman there doesn’t seem to be any follow through on the actual numbers of people. The bureaucracy know that they can’t be effectively dealt with unless the systems that are used in the oil and gas industry are changed first. They know this because I told them so. This was one of the breakthroughs in the Preliminary Research Report that in order to change the organization, you must first change the systems the organization used. My thinking was they would agree and begin the development of these systems based on the Joint Operating Committee. What the bureaucracy has done instead is used this thinking to seal their prospects even further. By ensuring they never change their systems they will never be challenged in their domain. Such is the responsible way in which to look at the future of the oil and gas business.
The shareholders are realizing the losses as a result of the bureaucracies inability to keep up with the changing dynamics of the business. Who cares? And who is going to do anything about it? And more importantly, how are they going to do anything about it? The bureaucracy are that powerful and that corrupt. As the shareholders see the value in their companies erode, the bureaucracy will still get paid and their pensions still get vested so in terms of the economic forces of creative destruction, they don’t currently exist. And if they do, the bureaucracy will just move on to another industry. Maybe mining, or finance, or retirement.
By that time the value that is held by the shareholders will be all but extinguished and there will be little left but the bits to cobble together. Not much fun from a productive oil and gas producer point of view. Or there is an alternative. For the shareholders to direct the bureaucracy to fund the Preliminary Specification and build the systems that are defined there. That way we can circumvent the bureaucracy and then fire the lot. They are redundant, have been for a long time and are an encumbrance to the business as reflected in the performance of the industry.
Either way the bureaucracy will be gone. Moved on after the bits are left, or fired after the systems defined in the Preliminary Specification are built. Its good to have choices and I’m pleased to be the one offering the choice to the shareholders of how the bureaucracies end is realized. The bureaucracy and I have been having a lot of fun these past few years and I have some particularly intense feelings for them. I vote we build these systems.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.