A Revolutionary Business Model
When we think of the many ways in which Information Technology has revolutionized the oil and gas industry. Well actually I can’t think of any changes to the ways that the industry has operated in the time that I have worked in the industry. There may be more iPads around and there are certainly greater volumes of data. And lets not forget about the volumes of paper. But in terms of how Information Technology has revolutionized the oil and gas industry there really hasn’t been any significant impact in terms of the ways and means of the industries operation.
What we do is faster, more timely and more accurate as a result of IT. And we may be able to conduct more analysis and deeper thought as to the cause and effect of certain actions. But just as we did in the 1940’s and 1950’s, we get out of bed and report to work at 8:00 for the same companies as yesterday, and conduct very similar, albeit more specialized jobs. At no time could anyone point to me when IT had such an impact on the effect of the industry that everyone would agree that “in 1978 when the PX798 was introduced” was when we really changed as an industry. So the sum total of the impact of IT in oil and gas has been a slow and casual improvement in the quality of information, but that’s it. Nothing more.
I say that because I think that the impact of IT on the oil and gas industry is about to have a dramatic effect. The Preliminary Specifications business model will be revolutionary in terms of the ways and means of oil and gas operations. Providing the oil and gas producer with the most profitable means of oil and gas operations is the key for the oil and gas investor, however, everyone in the industry is impacted as significantly. Focusing on the Joint Operating Committee aligns all of the resources of the industry on its legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, innovation and strategic frameworks. Moving the compliance and governance frameworks of the hierarchy into alignment with the Joint Operating Committee makes the industry operate in a more natural manner than the current business model promoted by the bureaucracy. Muddling along doesn’t provide the value generation for anyone in the industry. Value that the industry should be providing for all of its stakeholders. Its time for a revolution.
There are significant changes that occur as a result of implementing the Preliminary Specification. Some will look at those changes and say that it is too radical to contemplate. But can we afford to continue on with the way that we are operating today? IT is providing an opportunity to implement a business model that moves closer to the cultural norm of the industry. If that is too radical then we are really stuck with the status quo. And if the status quo is having difficulty with the current industry situation, how will it deal with the future of the oil and gas industry? One in which the demands and expectations could be substantially higher.
I am biased of course, but I think that the Preliminary Specification will be looked upon as revolutionary in terms of its impact on the evolution of the oil and gas industry. Taking it from a sleepy go with the flow type of industry. To an industry that is dynamic and innovative, that generates value and efficiency to the world economy. That is what I think the opportunity is that is before us. And it is that change that we need to make, because if we don’t, there are bigger issues at stake.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.