User Based Developments
The comprehensive accounting for the producer firm and Joint Operating Committee is conducted in the Partnership Accounting module of the Preliminary Specification. It is here that you will find the many traditional accounting reports, activities and information for the innovative and profitable producer and Joint Operating Committee. It will be this module and the Accounting Voucher that will be used by the producer, Joint Operating Committee and various service providers to carry out the accounting requirements for those concerns. Each will have access to their domain of information necessary to conduct their jobs whether that is at the producer, Joint Operating Committee or service provider. Security and access control being provided through the Preliminary Specifications Security & Access Control module.
In the high level discussion of the past few months we have discussed the material balance report and its automation of the production, revenue and royalty process once the production volumes are settled. We have also discussed the decentralized production model and how it enables the innovative and profitable producer to eliminate the overhead during times when production is shut-in. These are areas that are part of the Partnership Accounting module, and with the generic nature of the accounting, don’t need to be repeated here. There is one area that we haven’t discussed and that details the global scope of the accounting information of an ERP system. And that is the manner in which the developments have been approached in the industry before.
The myriad combinations of accounting possibilities that happen within oil and gas have to be captured and handled within the systems that are used in oil and gas. These combinations have not been captured in any of the existing ERP systems as of this date. The first aspect of solving this problem is to engineer the solution. Many have tried and have found their budgets to be too small for the job. Approaching this from the one producer perspective may seem like adequate funding, however, no one today is declaring success. If, as we have proposed in People, Ideas & Objects, aggregate the resources of the industry towards engineering the solution, this scope can be scaled, the costs to each producer will be incidental, and the results will be that each producer will realize the full scale of that software development effort.
When an individual producer has approached the development of an ERP system they have been granted a budget that is less than what is desired to deal with the potential issues. When the development begins, the issues become greater than what was expected and the need to simplify the application to meet the budget is the skill of the project manager. Users are rarely consulted as to their needs and are told as to what and when they will transition to a new system. Everyone grits their teeth until someone declares it a success and you hope for a better system next time. At least that is how I see most system integrations.
The first issue is the budget is inadequate to deal with the size and scope of the problems. Once the developers get into the problems, its time to quit and get out. What is needed is a concerted effort that is a quantum of size and effort to determine the issues and resolve them. Aggregating the budgets across the industry from like minded producers presents the possibilities that a budget can be presented to the developers to approach the issues and resolve them.
The second issue, and possibly the biggest is the fact that the user is not a member of the development team. People, Ideas & Objects are user community developments. Having the collective understanding of thousands of individual jobs that are present within the oil and gas industry can only be gained by the direct involvement of those users. To have developers spending time without the direction of users is a waste. They collectively do not understand, nor does any individual, the thousands of jobs that are done in the industry. Therefore the limited budgets that have been used in ERP systems development have been unable to deal with the user environment. And that has been to their detriment.
People, Ideas & Objects have put forward a vision of how the innovative and profitable producer and Joint Operating Committee can function in the future oil and gas industry. It is now for the user community to take that vision and build the systems that they need to make that vision real. This is their opportunity to have the systems necessary to do their jobs and provide the industry with the means to meet the future energy demands.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.