How the Intellectual Property Works.
In my previous post I noted how the Intellectual Property that is derived from the Preliminary Specification will form the basis of the competitive advantages of an industry that will form to fill a gap between the oil and gas producers and the technology providers. Today we want to discuss how that Intellectual Property (IP) is managed and is made available to the users and producers. First of all I am the beneficial owner of the IP that is the Preliminary Specification and I have and will only license one firm to develop systems for the oil and gas producers. That firm is People, Ideas & Objects. This will enable the producers to focus their energies and resources on one solution and not be diverted or diluted by pursuing multiple “me-to” type of solutions.
Producers pay for the use of the software and access to the IP through the Revenue Model. These revenues will support the user community, software development, hardware infrastructure, and delivery of the software services to the producers. Other costs associated with training, accounting integration, etc., will be additional costs that are incurred with members of this new industry. Users are not charged for the use of the software. They are provided access to the software through their employer / client, the producer firms.
People, Ideas & Objects are user based developments. Having systems built without the collective knowledge and understanding of how and what the industry operates is of little value. Individuals know how to do their jobs, however, there are hundreds of unique positions within oil and gas. The only way to capture that knowledge is through user based involvements. Users are therefore a critical aspect of development and a major aspect of the IP that is brought to the table. However, it is derivative of the Preliminary Specification. Therefore users involved in development will be granted a license where they are provided unencumbered access to the IP that is the Preliminary Specification in exchange for the IP rights to any and all of their contributions to the development.
This will ensure that the IP that makes this new industry is available to everyone in an unencumbered manner. That access to all of the IP by the user base remains freely available to all of the users. And producers are assessed a reasonable fee for the use of the IP. It also assures that the IP does not become fragmented and subject to various trolls who come up with portions of IP that they can charge producers for on a scattered basis.
Having the IP managed in this fashion provides this new industry with a unique competitive advantage. It provides us with the ability to raise the revenues to pay the users for their ideas and contributions to the software development. All users are paid for their work here. Producers are protected by dealing with one and only one software development team that is focused on providing them with the solutions they need. The industry can not afford to engineer multiple solutions of the scope and scale of the Preliminary Specification. The industry can not afford to deal with IP trolls that are more of a nuisance and provide no value.
Lastly having the IP resident in the oil and gas industry provides no value for the users or producers. Without the management of the IP in this manner there is nothing People, Ideas & Objects can leverage, we need to generate revenues based on the IP.
The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.