Wednesday, January 16, 2013

The Work Order System for Operational Control

In this our second post to discuss the Preliminary Specifications, Partnership Accounting modules, Work Order system. We look at the tight operational control aspects of the system and how it enables producers and Joint Operating Committees to control the costs associated with the work that is undertaken within the various projects that have been approved. First of all, it should be noted that the Work Order system is not just for ad-hoc working groups and research projects that we noted yesterday. They are also for the type of work that is undertaken in Joint Operating Committees everyday. When an AFE has multiple aspects of a construction project to be undertaken and requires the ability to have budget, chain of command, Job Order, governance and cost control as part of each phase of the project, the Work Order system is a natural addition to the attributes of the AFE or cost centre.

How the Work Order operates is that the individuals who are assigned to work on a project are given the Work Order number to use when they are working on the project. While they are working on the project the system will accumulate their time and their costs will therefore be billed to the AFE or cost centre that is affiliated with that Work Order. Keying the Work Order number into the persons phone, iPad or computer will be all that is required to ensure that accurate records are kept. This would include people who work for the producer firm, members of the Joint Operating Committee, field staff and service industry representatives.

A critical part of the Work Order system is the Job Order system. A method of issuing and documenting the authorized activities within the scope of the Work Order. When a certain decision is to be made, then people will look to the Job Order system for the authorized documentation of when that decision was made by the authorized individual. Only then will the activity take place. What we learned in our research into innovation is that tight operational control is highly consistent with an innovative footing. Having a historical record of this operational control helps to identify the sources of issues. But more importantly from an innovation standpoint. This historical record can also be used to determined what the source of the success was.

The Job Order system in connection with the Military Command & Control Metaphor (MCCM), which provides a flexible chain of command over any Joint Operating Committee or working group. Gives the additional operational control that is necessary for the innovative oil and gas producer. The MCCM which is a part of the Security & Access Control module is able to span multiple organizations and can be used to ensure the groups remains accountable and focused on the objectives of the project.

Lastly the Work Order can be used for internal purposes within the producer firm itself. We have discussed in the Research & Capabilities module how the earth science and engineering capabilities of the firm are being charged to the various Joint Operating Committees. How the producer firm develops and generates revenues from both oil and gas production, and from the delivery of its capabilities to the various Joint Operating Committees it has an interest in. The ability to capture the time and billing for this work is through the Work Order system of the Partnership Accounting module.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The Work Order System for Innovation.

While we are in the mood to talk about accounting, or at least that is to say we have been talking about accounting. We should discuss the Work Order system that is part of the Preliminary Specifications Partnership Accounting module. One of the objectives of the Work Order system is to enable innovation in the oil and gas industry. Another objective is tight operational control over the activities within the firm and Joint Operating Committee, and we will discuss this objective in tomorrows post.

Our research in innovation taught us many things about the processes of innovation and the things that enable and impede these processes. When we consider the competitive advantages of the oil and gas producer are their land and asset base, and their earth science and engineering capabilities we see that science is a key part of their competitive advantage. We learned that science and innovation stimulate one another and therefore anything to increase the innovativeness of the industry would increase the scientific basis as well. We also learned that "knowledge begets capability, and capability begets action." Therefore the scope and scale of research in the earth sciences and engineering disciplines conducted by producers must increase substantially in the future. What we know is opportunity doesn’t always knock in pre-approved or nicely organized packages. It can be organizationally messy. The opportunity to participate in a study or working group rarely is as a result of being a participant in a Joint Operating Committee or fixed relationship with another producer. It is as a result of some serendipitous happening. Therefore what the innovative oil and gas industry needs to have is a means to deal with these opportunities by participating in them in an efficient and effective way. A manner that does not have the bureaucracy, which impedes them today, get in the way from them forming and destroying the producers participation. Therefore People, Ideas & Objects developed the Work Order system in the Partnership Accounting module.

What the Work Order system allows the innovative producer to do is to participate with others who they may not have a formal relationship with, and still access the full power of the AFE, Budget and means of allocating costs. Meaning there is no Joint Venture agreement of any kind between these firms, and there is no intent to form any such agreement. It is only two or more producers or individuals who may have an interest in certain characteristics or interests in some aspect of the underlying sciences that they want to know more about. And in their broader discussions have found like minded individuals who also want to participate in some substantial research that would be very valuable to each of their firms. They all agree on the scope and scale of the project, a budget for the costs and who should lead it. They also agree on what contributions should be made, with some just paying cash and others providing people and resources. Currently these types of activities are of limited use due to the bureaucratic nightmare that they cause and that needs to cease in an innovative oil and gas industry.

What the Work Order provides is the participants with the means to capture the meeting of the minds in terms of what the deal is that they have struck. It also enables them to allocate the source of the budgeted dollars they will use. The employees time will be sourced from the exploration departments payroll costs, the cash will be accessed from company b’s Research AFE and company c will be allocating some of their overhead budget to absorb the costs. When they agree on the project, at the beginning, they capture the deal in the Work Order, they approve it, the resources are then allocated as agreed to, and the accountants will happily process the charges knowing exactly why the costs were incurred and the money sourced. For more information review the Work Order section of the Partnership Accounting module.

For an innovative oil and gas industry to be on the leading edge. These types of research projects and working groups will need to be as commonplace as desks in an office building. The reason they are not is due to the nightmare that would cause the accountants. The Preliminary Specifications Work Order system provides the ability to deal with these problems at the beginning of the project and in a manner that is consistent with the users needs.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Production, Revenue and Royalty Accounting.

In Friday's post we discussed the Material Balance report and how it enabled the automation of the production, revenue and royalty accounting processes. Today we want to discuss the implications of that automation in terms of the specialization and division of labor of the people who work within these processes. Throughout the Preliminary Specification we are using these tools to leverage the value that people bring to the innovative oil and gas industry.

The first area that specialization and the division of labor can be applied is Production Accounting. Their role in using the Material Balance report would be significant as they, I think, should be organized into service providers that are based on geographical regions. That way a number of gas plants, the gathering and production that are associated with them would all be handled by the production accounting service provider. Which would ideally be located within the region that they are working. That way they would have a hands on understanding of the “what” and “how” of the operations. During the process of building the software from the Preliminary Specification we will work with these service providers to identify these processes and build the software they need to conduct these services. Included in that software will be the task based billing that will automate their billing to the producers. So that when they complete an operation then a charge for that Joint Operating Committee will be made at the end of the month. This will also, since we are using the decentralized production model, not trigger a production accounting billing during a month when there is no production. Eliminating the overhead charges for production accounting during times of shut-in production.

We discussed yesterday how the Material Balance report was able to ensure that the volumetric information in the People, Ideas & Objects software was as critical as the financial information. This is to ensure that the volumetric information is secure, reliable and mission critical so that automation can be built off of the information. The Production Accounting service provider who is working in the region. Who is working on behalf of all of the Joint Operating Committees who are located within those gas plants. Has provided an objective and historical interpretation of the Construction, Ownership & Operation agreement, and all associated agreements. These production volumes now form the basis of the Revenue Accountant service providers efforts. Here we may have differences in the makeup of the revenue of the Joint Operating Committee. Each participant may have a sales agreement for their own product, or they may all have sales under one agreement. Therefore the situation in terms of how to handle the process is different than with the Production Accounting service provider. The unique nature of the sales contract signals that the service provider should be hired on the basis of the producer firm that has the interests in the various Joint Operating Committees. Again these Revenue Accounting service providers will have the ability to work with our developers to define the process and build the software with People, Ideas & Objects that bills their services to the Joint Operating Committee for the services completed. And if there is no revenue during the month then the associated services would not have occurred and the charges would not have been billed.

Lastly we have the Royalty Accounting service providers that will be ideally organized based on their specialization in certain royalty regulations. Having unique knowledge and specialized skills in the administration of royalties that ensure the royalties paid by the Joint Operating Committees are the lowest possible. These service providers will be large in terms of the number of people they employ and therefore will be able to specialize in terms of the types of services they provide. They will be able to minimize the royalties, the largest costs of any producer, paid. Due to the service providers size they will be able to work with People, Ideas & Objects and develop software that is unique and specific to the needs of the Joint Operating Committees royalty needs.

There exists today a strong skill set in the production, revenue and royalty accounting field. The problem is there are systemic shortages of these people. Using the tools of automation, the division of labor and specialization in the manner that we have above will help to mitigate these issues. It will alleviate the tasks of reworking the information again and again and permit the people to do the higher level work of planning, thinking, innovating and deciding. And leave the simple work to the computers. That is as soon as we lock down and secure the volumetric information.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Friday, January 11, 2013

The Material Balance Report.

It is within the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module that many of the key variables for the Material Balance report are held. The Material Balance report is part of the Accounting Voucher and Partnership Accounting modules of the Preliminary Specification. The report is designed to balance the production, transportation and delivery of oil and gas for the producers and Joint Operating Committees. The report will contain some valuable characteristics that ensure the producer and Joint Operating Committees production remains in balance and is consistent with standard industry field practices.

To start lets agree that there are different types of producers or Joint Operating Committees. Some have ownership interests in plants that have capabilities to process gas production and some don’t have the ownership interests. Those that have the capabilities have certain contractual leverage with those that don’t have the capabilities and that can be used in one of two ways. The by-products, propane, butane and condensate can be purchased from the producer by the plant owner or the producer can pay a processing fee to the plant owner. Either way the accounting for the production will be fundamentally different. These differences need to be captured and reported in the Material Balance report. As each unit of production, gathering system, functional unit or processing facility is a stand alone reporting unit with its own Material Balance report. Each report must balance the inputs and outputs, and must balance with the adjoining facilities.

What is unique about the Preliminary Specification is that the Material Balancing between facilities will be reconciled between producers. Using the information that is also reported for sales contracts and royalty regimes we will be able to determine the overall production for a region. When we match that with the production that is reported by the individual producers we will be able to determine if there are any shortages or volumes over reported. This is a critical first step in ensuring that the volumetric integrity of what is reported by the producer is correct. The “reporting” world can’t be out of step with the “physical” world in any material way and this overall balancing will ensure the next phase of what we do with the volumetrics is possible.

The next phase of the Material Balance report is to embed these reported volumes within the ERP system itself. This is so that the volumetrics are subject to the same basic rules of the system as the accounting information is. So that for example, what is in inventory must be removed from or added to inventory through an accounting voucher in the Accounting Voucher module. Denoting that every volumetric transaction in the Material Balance report will have associated Accounting Voucher entries in the financials. This level of automation is only possible when we have the assurance that the volumetric information is valid.

Automation of the entire production, revenue and royalty process is only possible when we have settled the volumetric process. There will still be a multitude of volumetric reporting errors, amendments and changes that can and will be made throughout the system. However, they will be automated as well. As volumetric changes are made the associated financial accounting changes to the various accounts will also be amended because we know that the system remains in balance and the amendments are therefore necessary.

Automation of these processes around the Material Balance report in the Preliminary Specification is necessary for the innovative oil and gas producer. Today there are significant costs incurred in managing these processes by the bureaucracy. Tomorrow we will discuss the management of these processes through the division of labor and specialization.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Marketplace Metaphor.

Just a note regarding the discussion we had yesterday. When we discuss the specialization and division of labor of the service providers, as in the case of the lease rentals process. The work that we will undertake during the Preliminary Specification phase of development. Will include the determination of the process that the lease rental service providers will use. It will also include the types of software that we will be developing for them. That is the type of work that we are doing here in the Preliminary Specification.

In today’s post we are discussing the Marketplace Metaphor that is used in the Petroleum Lease, Resource and Financial Marketplace modules. Each of these marketplace modules use the concept of a marketplace for the producer firm and Joint Operating Committee to engage in the various communities and marketplaces they have an interest in. Participation and collaboration in marketplaces is what private enterprise is about. What the Preliminary Specification provides is the ability to capture the activities in the marketplaces virtually, and enable the recording of transactions and the overall support of the marketplace.

One of the key enabling technologies in the virtualization of the marketplace is Open Wonderland. A Java based technology that was originally developed by Sun Microsystems in their research division. Participants, which would include anyone who is active in the oil and gas or service industries, would access the portal to conduct their commerce virtually through these facilities. Each participant would in turn be supported by the full power of the Preliminary Specification by right clicking their mouse and having the ability to pull down menus, or selecting features from specific tiles on their screens. Here is a video of the Open Wonderland technology.

The physical facilities that exist within the virtual environment are easily created by those that want to establish some real estate. So for a bank that does business in oil and gas they may want to establish branches throughout the virtual environment where their employees would be available to help staff of oil and gas producers or Joint Operating Committees to resolve their needs. Or service industry representatives who need space to demonstrate their services. The point is that its a virtual representation of the marketplace that is fully supported by the Preliminary Specification. And there are not three marketplaces within the Preliminary Specification. Each of the marketplace modules, the Petroleum Lease, Resource, and Financial Marketplace modules access the same virtual environment.

The benefits of having this technology active in the Preliminary Specification are many. The time and travel savings of individuals will be incrementally better. The quality of the collaborations between participants will increase due to the close virtual representations. And with the support of the Preliminary Specification, the dynamic nature of the market will be experienced.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Wednesday, January 09, 2013

Specialization and the Division of Labor in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace

The Petroleum Lease Marketplace of the Preliminary Specification is the place where innovative oil and gas producers and Joint Operating Committees will go to build their land and asset bases. Just as the Research & Capabilities module will be used to develop their earth science and engineering capabilities. These two modules are at the core of the innovative producers competitive advantages. It is also the hub of many of the source documents that originate throughout the modules in the Preliminary Specification. What is different and unique about the Petroleum Lease Marketplace is the marketplace metaphor that we use with it, the Resource and Financial Marketplace modules. We will discuss these more tomorrow. Today I want to discuss the elements of specialization and the division of labor as they relate to the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module.

As with all aspects of the Preliminary Specification, the producer firm and the Joint Operating Committee are subject to a comprehensive analysis to determine an appropriate specialization and division of labor. Is there a better way to organize the processes within the industry to optimize the resources and increase the performance of the industry. These tools are being used particularly effectively with respect to the earth science and engineering resources to ensure that the mid - long term shortages in those professions are mitigated. Within the Petroleum Lease Marketplace there are a few areas where these tools are highly effective as well.

The first application of specialization is in the area of lease rentals. To organize the process of managing and paying lease rentals on an industry wide basis is far more efficient than having each producer maintain the resources internally. By organizing the process industry wide we are able to specialize based on the process and bill the individual Joint Operating Committees for the services performed by the lease rental service provider upon successful completion of certain tasks. Tasks such as the payment of lease rentals.

If there were a handful of lease rental service providers in the industry. They would be able to establish highly efficient processes where the services they provided the producers and Joint Operating Committees were second to none. Yet at the same time the costs of these services to the producers and Joint Operating Committees would be far less than what it would cost to manage the lease rentals internally. The benefits of specialization and the division of labor are not incremental, they are exponential. These benefits are not achievable for the average producer due to the fact that they do not have the scale of operations to warrant the investment in managing the process as efficiently as possible. A few geographically located service providers would have that scale.

And there’s more. What People, Ideas & Objects provides is the Preliminary Specification and a software development capability. It is an approach that systems are not static and should remain flexible and open to user requirements. In a scenario where there are hundreds of producers who are wanting to have changes made to their lease rental process this becomes unmanageable and the primary reason that systems remain the same. However, with a only a few service providers, who are focused on the most efficient process, are going to want and need that software development capability to cater to their process developments. To accommodate a handful of service providers becomes much more manageable than dealing with hundreds of producers.

This is how the tool set of specialization and the division of labor are being used in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace to deal with the processes under management in the Preliminary Specification. And these are powerful tools. It should be remembered that the productivity gains achieved by Adam Smith in his pin factory totalled two hundred and fourty times what was found when he first started.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Alignment of the Frameworks.

By using the Joint Operating Committee as the key organizational construct of the innovative oil and gas producer. We adopt the seven frameworks that are managed by that organization. They are of course the legal, financial, operational decision making, cultural, communication, strategic and innovation frameworks. When we then take the compliance and governance frameworks of the hierarchy and align them to the Joint Operating Committee we achieve a speed, innovativeness and accountability within our organizations that is consistent with the demands of the 21 century oil and gas producer. It is through this alignment that the producer is then able to approach many of the operational concerns that are present in the industry. Issues such as low natural gas prices, the demand for geologists and engineers and deal with them effectively as they are handled in the Preliminary Specification.

One of the areas that this alignment of the frameworks generates value is in the Financial Marketplace module. This module provides access to the capital markets and manages the financial resources of the producer firm and Joint Operating Committees. One of the key differences is that it aligns the banking to the assets held by the Joint Operating Committee, as opposed to the producer firm. Instead of the bank taking a general claim against all of the producers assets, the bank will take a claim against the assets held by the Joint Operating Committee. Therefore each participant in the JOC will maintain a relationship with that one bank. Having the banker’s focus on the assets of the JOC and only the JOC aligns its interests with those of the participants in the JOC. There is also only one banker, not a different bank for each participant in the JOC as there is in most of the financial situations today. This alignment provides a focused capability in decisions and other aspects of managing the property that are consistent with the needs of an innovative oil and gas industry.

Some may argue that the logistics of maintaining relationships with multiple bankers for different Joint Operating Committees will make the management of the producer firm too difficult. I would agree that the logistics of additional accounts, checking, deposits and other banking activities would make for additional steps in the management of the property, however, with the state of Information Technology today, these can be automated to the level where they are done through electronic banking.

It is in the operational decision making framework of the Joint Operating Committee that the alignment really begins to pay off. When the Preliminary Specification is aligned as it is in this fashion, decisions can be made with an ease that is consistent with their nature in the Joint Operating Committee. Decisions like when to suspend production due to low natural gas prices can be predetermined based on the calculated marginal costs. When they drop below that threshold the decision can be implemented and the production suspended until the prices return to a point where the property will be profitable. And recall with the Preliminary Specification using the decentralized production model, as opposed to the high throughput production model, the associated production and overhead costs are suspended with the production. Leaving only the costs of capital uncovered during times when production is suspended.

Alignment of these nine frameworks provides significant advantages, such as the two that I have highlighted today. There are also many little advantages that fit under the category that the Joint Operating Committee is the natural way in which the industry operates. We are moving closer to the cultural norm of what and how the industry operates. The Preliminary Specification uses the alignment of the Joint Operating Committee to enable the speed, innovativeness and accountability that we want and need from our organizations in the 21st century.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Monday, January 07, 2013

Innovation Versus Information Leakage.

In our last post we indicated that the risk of proprietary information or data loss between firms or participants in the Joint Operating Committee was immaterial and inconsistent with the needs of an innovative oil and gas industry. Today we will explore some of the research that People, Ideas & Objects conducted to enable us to assert this claim, and how the Preliminary Specification provides the Joint Operating Committee the appropriate posture for the innovativeness that is necessary in these times.

First of all the information and data that is being handled within the Joint Operating Committee is of the type that is readily available in other forms. Whether that is production data, the well file, downhole information etc. Most of this information is available, at least in Canada, in the public domain. Strategic, planning and accounting information that is of a sensitive nature is usually of a corporate nature and is not related to any specific Joint Operating Committee. Therefore the concern over sharing of this information in the Joint Operating Committee, and the risk of losing some proprietary information is not material to any one specific Joint Operating Committee.

Next we need to deal with the proprietary earth science and engineering capabilities and the risk that some of these capabilities will be “copied” by other participants during their use in the Joint Operating Committee. Here we look to Professor Giovanni Dosi in his paper “Sources, Procedures and Microeconomic Effects of Innovation.”

Professor Dosi notes that Levin states that the control of complementary technologies becomes a “rent-earning firm-specific asset.” Dosi states “in general, it must be noticed that the partly tacit nature of innovative knowledge and its characteristics of partial private appropriability makes imitation a creative process, which involves search, which is not wholly distinct from the search for new development, and which is economically expensive - sometimes even more expensive than the original innovation, and applies to both patented and non-patented innovations.” (p. 1140)

Therefore the ability, and the capability to copy another firms earth science and engineering capabilities is as significant and as costly as having developed an original earth science and engineering capability. And just as you might fully appreciate the nuance of how to fill a cavity in ones tooth by having a Dentist fill one for you, the development of a capability within an oil and gas producer is not something that can be replicated simply by watching. This is the critical aspect of the oil and gas producer / investors business. To focus on the competitive advantages of their land and asset base, and their earth science and engineering capabilities. Is it deployment of that capability at that property the key to the profitability of the Joint Operating Committee? Or is the hoarding of information the key to the managers empire?

It is through the Research & Capabilities and the Knowledge & Learning modules that the producers / investors capabilities are developed and deployed. These modules take the research that has been conducted and through a variety of interfaces capture and document the capabilities of the producers and enable them to be deployed. But there’s more. With what we have learned about the capabilities of other producers from Professor Dosi. We have captured the capabilities of all of the participants in the Joint Operating Committee, that are pertinent to that facility / formation, and made them available for deployment within that specific Joint Operating Committee.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Friday, January 04, 2013

Access Control In the Joint Operating Committee

One of the technical issues that need to be resolved in the Preliminary Specification is the manner in which access control to the data and information is managed in the Security & Access Control module. With the corporate model access control is simple, anyone within the firm can share the information that is developed and used within the corporation. Within the Joint Operating Committee, information may be developed from a variety of sources that specific access control to various members of the Joint Operating Committee need to have. This sharing between participants, or pooling as we call it in the Preliminary Specification, would normally not be permitted in the corporate model as the risk of some proprietary loss would be assumed. Our research has determined this risk of loss is immaterial and inconsistent with the needs of an innovative oil and gas industry. The Joint Operating Committee is the representation of the partnership that has been formed to maximise the profits from the property and assets in which each of the participants share. If a pooling of the contributions can not be conducted it will be because of the bureaucrats managing their turf, not from the loss of any proprietary information. What the Security & Access Control module strikes is a balance between harbouring data and information vs. deployment of the right information, by the right people at the right time.

Politics aside we still have a technical issue with respect to the access control of data and information within the Joint Operating Committees a producer / investor may have an interest in. Organizing around the Joint Operating Committee helps by making it the structure that we are focusing on. We are using the Joint Operating Committee as the basis of determining who has and who hasn't the access control rights. By doing this, it is the Joint Operating Committee that determines who has what type of access control rights. An individual that operates in the oil and gas industry, who uses the People, Ideas & Objects application modules would then be granted the necessary access control rights through the Security & Access Control module to the many Joint Operating Committees that they may be authorized by.

In addition to the specific access control privileges People, Ideas & Objects provide two additional levels of security that offer the producer with additional control. The first is the Military Command & Control Metaphor (MCCM) that was developed in the Preliminary Specification and the Oracle technologies that are used to provide the high levels of security in which all of the modules are operated under. The MCCM provides a means for a Joint Operating Committee to implement a command and control structure over the people that are working within the operation. This span of control includes the service industry representatives when they are conducting some operation. The MCCM includes a definable structure, a Job Order system and a manner in which all operations are documented. Again this structure will span the multiple organizations that the people are represented from.

We have talked about the division of labor and specialization that is used to deal with the various issues in the oil and gas industry. How the producer firm is a highly focused earth science and engineering capable organization. That many of the other aspects of the firm or Joint Operating Committee is sourced from service providers who specialize and bill for their services. These people may also need access to the data and information of the producer or Joint Operating Committee and it is with Oracle technologies that we can provide them with the limited access that they require. With Oracle we can grant that limited access to just the one element of data that they need access too, if that is all that is required. We also have high levels of security and specific access privileges that enable the firms most sensitive strategic and planning data and information is kept secret and for only certain users. All of this information can be determined by reading the Security & Access Control module of the Preliminary Specification.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.

Thursday, January 03, 2013

Choice is Good.

As I stated yesterday, what People, Ideas & Objects provides is an alternative business model for the oil and gas investor. A choice between the current corporate model which is in use exclusively in oil and gas, and the People, Ideas & Objects Preliminary Specification. It should not be assumed that because the corporate model is in use everywhere that is the choice of investors. It has been until now the only choice. Now with alternatives like the Preliminary Specification, we will have to see how the corporate model stands up to some competition.

What this new year also brings is the second phase of our marketing program. Our first phase documented the fact that the producers will be sticking with their corporate model. And that is to be expected, they have a vested interest in the status quo. Our appeal is to the oil and gas investor who may be frustrated with the corporate model and may have been looking for alternatives. This second phase of our marketing program will determine if they have been looking. It is with this noted change in our marketing that I have rewritten the Revenue Model. Part of that second phase of our marketing will be the promotion of the Preliminary Specification in this blog. What are the differences between these two models and why does the Preliminary Specification provide value to the oil and gas producer / investor.

So let’s begin. One of the key differences between the corporate model and the Preliminary Specifications use of the Joint Operating Committee is that the Preliminary Specification relies on the marketplace for the majority of its needs. Whether that is for the administrative needs of production or royalty accounting, or for the drilling of wells in the field. It is well known that the marketplace is the best place to look for the needs of the oil and gas producer. The reason for this is the scope of the technical demands are so great that the ability of any one producer to obtain all of the skills necessary in-house is impossible. This however hasn’t stopped some of the current producers using the corporate model to try. Many try to provide the services of any and all oil and gas needs within their own firm. This is how bureaucracies thrive.

Within the Preliminary Specification there are three marketplace modules. The Petroleum Lease, Resource, and Financial Marketplace modules. Each dealing with one of the three critical resources or things that make up an oil and gas producer. It is within the Resource Marketplace module that the service industries are provided an interface to the innovative oil and gas producer and Joint Operating Committee. Developed with the research into how innovation is a result of the efforts of many, spanning many industries and professions, the Resource Marketplace and Research & Capabilities modules enable the innovation to develop within the oil and gas industry. Enabling collaboration between the service industry and producers, this can be done as simply as service companies posting new ideas or producers expressing their needs within the interfaces of the Resource Marketplace module. These interfaces are detailed in the Preliminary Specification and are the seeds of an innovative oil and gas industry.

To draw a stark contrast to today’s marketplace where producers blame the high cost structures of field operations on the service industry. What really is at issue is there are no innovations occurring due to the manner in which new ideas are treated by the producers. They are not respected, but passed along to the originators competitors as if they were free. Instead of working with those that developed the idea, the producers will take it and use it for themselves. Eventually what happens, and what has happened, is that no new ideas come in due to the disrespect the producers have shown to the marketplace. No new competitors arrive in the marketplace and the high cost structures become permanent and the producers are left with their only option, and that is, to complain about the high cost structures of a non innovative service industry. There is another way and that is through the development of the Preliminary Specification.

The Preliminary Specification provides the oil and gas investor with the business model for profitable exploration and production. People, Ideas & Objects Revenue Model specifies the means in which investors can participate in these user defined software developments. Users are welcome to join me here. Together we can begin to meet the future demands for energy.