The Preliminary Specification Part CLXXXIII (PLM Part XVIII)
As we had noted in the Resource Marketplace module of the Preliminary Specification. The capability for the producer to scale back their production in the face of poor commodity prices was possible. In the Resource Marketplace module we were talking about the implications of shutting in production would have on the costs of production. That is by moving to the “decentralized production model” from the “high throughput production” model, deeming the costs of production as variable, therefore costs decline in line with revenues. It is in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace module that the capability to reduce production is acquired through the "Marginal Production Threshold Interface" and is the subject of this blog post.
The operational decision making authority lies with the Joint Operating Committee. And we have discussed in the past how the decision may be made to reduce production by 15% or some other amount to help return the commodity markets to balance. With the desire to move to a “decentralized production model”, where all of the costs are variable and therefore suspended with the production, the decision to shut-in production completely, or just partially is something that should be possible through the "Marginal Production Threshold Interface".
The interface would provide the means in which the partnership could agree to the criteria in which production would be suspended. We see today with Natural Gas prices in North America, a situation where no one is making any money. The ability to incinerate capital is something that the oil and gas industry is famous for and I would suggest they begin to actively do something about their poor reputation. When prices meet the criteria that the partnership have agreed too to curtail production. Then the operational steps to reduce the production will automatically be put in place when those criteria are met. Whether that is manually issuing the order to reduce the production, or if the systems are automated, the system is automatically triggered when the criteria is met.
The ability to collaborate and agree among the partnership falls within the domain of the Petroleum Lease Marketplace. Having all of the Joint Operating Committees that you have an interest in located within one interface in the Petroleum Lease Marketplace will provide you with an understanding of what your production profile will be at various price scenarios. This can be provided through a “what if” scenario page within the interface. Extensions of the prices and volumes will also calculate what your pro-forma revenues will be. Assumptions can be made on the costs.
If each producer within the industry was able to manage their production in this manner there would be less destruction of capital and less volatile commodity prices. The ability to manage prices by spending capital, or not, is a very blunt instrument that leads to over and under production at the extremes. This mechanism will enable the producers to stop producing the marginal production and save the reserves for the day when they can be produced at a profit. A little faith in markets is all that is required.
For the industry to successfully provide for the consumers energy demands, it’s necessary to build the systems that identify and support the Joint Operating Committee. Building the Preliminary Specification is the focus of People, Ideas & Objects. Producers are encouraged to contact me in order to support our Revenue Model and begin their participation in these communities. Those individuals that are interested in joining People, Ideas & Objects can join me here and begin building the software necessary for the successful and innovative oil and gas industry.
Please note what Google+ provides us is the opportunity to prove that People, Ideas & Objects are committed to developing this community. That this is user developed software, not change that is driven from the top down. Join me on the People, Ideas & Objects Google+ Circle (private circle, accessible by members only) and begin building the community for the development of the Preliminary Specification.